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Posted by taskcade
Oct 3, 2023 at 07:51 PM


Hi all, excited to share the latest update at Taskade! https://www.taskade.com/blog/ai-agents-roundtable-research-seo

Let us know if there is anything we can do to improve our platform and more.

Roundtable Agent — Your AI Team ߤ–
Ever wished for a boardroom of experts at your fingertips? Say hello to our new /roundtable Agent. It serves as your virtual council of experts, providing 360-degree insights from CEOs, Analysts, Marketers, and more. Make smarter decisions, every time. 
Research Agent — Multi-Topic Support ߓš
Elevate your research game with our newly improved Research Agent. Featuring a Bulk Selection option, you can now select and research multiple topics instantly with web search. Save time and effort like never before.
SEO Agent — Crawl the Web ߌ
No more tedious SEO research. Introducing our new SEO Agent, designed to simplify keyword research and competitive analysis. Just type ‘/seo’ after your search terms to fetch top links. Get real-time data at your fingertips. 

✨ Other Notable Improvements
New: Taskade API V1 in Alpha (Early access? Contact us)
New: Custom AI Agents for team workspace access.
New: Personal Access Tokens for API authentication.
Improved: Reliability of CSV Import with AI.
Improved: My Tasks filtering now supports task assignees.
Improved: Enhanced Media Tab in workspace.
Improved: UI upgrades across board views, mind maps, and mobile web.
Fixed: Taskade AI visibility in dark mode.
Fixed: Resolved project date and UI issues.



Posted by taskcade
Oct 23, 2023 at 06:17 PM


Big Update!  ߚ€ Taskade API, Media AI Chat, Web Research Agent!

1: ߚ€ Introducing Taskade API at https://developers.taskade.com

We’re thrilled about the possibilities that the API opens up and can’t wait to see what our amazing community will build with it! ߙŒ

Welcome to the future of AI-powered workflow automation and a new era of productivity! ߐ‘

2. ߤ– Chat with Files on Mobile & Tablet at taskade.com/downloads

Chat and interact with files like PDFs and Docs from your mobile devices. Gain valuable insights on the go!

3. ߓ Meet Our Enhanced AI Research Agent

Unlock smart, contextual research with just a main topic and follow-up questions. Tailored and relevant results await you!

4. ߎ‰ Jump in to read the full changelog and update at https://www.taskade.com/blog/taskade-public-api/

ߤ” Have Ideas or Suggestions? We’re all ears!

If you have ideas or suggestions for the API or any other features, share them with the community at

ߔ— https://taskade.com/feedback/public-api

Thanks again
John at Taskade / Team Taskade


Posted by taskcade
Nov 13, 2023 at 06:12 PM


Hi everyone ߐ‘

We’re thrilled to introduce our most significant AI update yet: Custom, autonomous AI Agents (GPTs) on Taskade, supercharged with the latest GPT-4 Turbo language model! ߚ€

Learn more on https://www.taskade.com/blog/custom-ai-agents-gpts/

ߤ– Custom AI Agents

You can now create AI agents with custom /agent commands, tools, and knowledge. Chat with your custom agents or interact with them using commands in the project editor. You can also share the agents and prompts in your workspaces & folders to bring your team closer to smarter automation.

Start crafting your AI agent today and get work done faster and smarter! https://help.taskade.com/hc/en-us/articles/22256943362323

ߤ– Train Your Agents

1. Start: Head to the Agents tab in any workspace or folder.
2. Personalize: Name your agent and set specific prompt instructions.
3. Customize: Upload your knowledge, choose skills, set tone, and define personas.
4. Power up: Enable web browsing and background tasks for more in-depth research.

ߤ– Create Custom Commands

⌨️ Set up custom Commands & Prompts: Create unique, custom /agent commands to equip your agents with specialized prompts and skills. Easily access and share these commands when chatting with agents or using /commands directly in the project editor.

ߓ– Train your agents with knowledge: Upload PDF, DOC, or CSV documents to train your agents. Integrate agent knowledge with your own resources for more tailored, context-rich answers in the Agent Chat or with custom commands in the editor. https://help.taskade.com/hc/en-us/articles/22256943362323#5——train-your-agent

ߤ– Deploy Autonomous Multi-Agents

ߔ„ Enable Background Tasks: Turn custom /agent commands into autonomous, long-running agents. This will transform your agents from basic task executors into advanced assistants.

ߑ¥ Experience Multi-agent systems: Create and deploy multiple AI agents concurrently to work on multiple tasks in the same project. Stay tuned for upcoming Skills and Tools tailored for these extended-duration agents in Taskade Automation. (Coming Soon)

Other Improvements:

- New: Taskade Automation is available in Alpha. Want early access to enable advanced automation, with flow charts and workflow management? https://www.taskade.com/contact.
- New AI Generator: Explore new personas, tones, and workflow categories
- New AI Chat with Docs: Larger files and more contextual interactions
- New ChatGPT Plugin: Taskade’s ChatGPT Plugin is live in beta! (Beta)
- New Multi-Agent Functionalities: Multiple AI Agents can now run commands in the background, retrieve and upload knowledge directly (Early Access)
- Improved AI Models and Backend Processes: Enhanced for better performance and efficiency, now powered by GPT-4 Turbo
- Improved AI Project Creation: Expanded options to select output types
- Improved UI/UX and accessibility across various elements
- Improved reliability in task tracking and completion
- Enhanced security measures and protocols for protection
- Strengthened platform stability for a more reliable experience
- General enhancements for a smoother user experience
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements

Custom AI Agents offer limitless possibilities, and we’re only beginning to explore their potential. Stay tuned for upcoming progress in long-running autonomous AI Agents and workflow automation. ߚ€

Thank you for being part of our journey.

Got questions? Our Help Center is here to assist, or just reach out to us. ߘŠ
https://help.taskade.com and https://www.taskade.com/contact

—- John & Team Taskade ߐ


Posted by taskcade
Dec 5, 2023 at 09:57 AM


Hey Taskaders,

Big news! Our Contextual AI Workflow Generator with GPT-4 Turbo is now live. Here’s what you can expect:

- Craft projects, processes, and mind maps with unmatched precision.
- Attach multiple documents like PDFs, CSVs, and TXT files.
- Choose personas and tones to match your team’s unique style.
- Enjoy advanced context analysis for richer, more insightful workflows.

And there’s more:

- Over 35 new Custom Agent templates for a variety of use cases.
- Personalize your AI agents: Set tones, upload knowledge, enable web browsing.
- Customize agents for a tailored AI experience that suits your workflow.

Plus, we’ve got a mobile update:

- Custom AI Agent commands are now available on Taskade mobile and tablet apps.
- Streamline your workflow on the go, whether it’s a single task or multiple projects.

Fresh from Taskade Labs:

- Taskade Automation in Alpha - be the first to try it.
- New AI Document Summarization feature.
- Enhanced Mobile AI Project Studio.
- GPT-4 Turbo now powers the entire Taskade AI experience.
- And loads more enhancements and improvements!

Check out the details here: http://taskade.com/blog/ai-workflow-custom-agents-mobile-commands/

Get ready to embrace the future of productivity with Taskade!

- The Taskade Team ߐ‘

John and Team

Thanks again everyone!


Posted by taskcade
Dec 19, 2023 at 08:09 PM


Hi everyone ߚ€,

As we wrap up 2023, we’re excited to share our final update of the year, a special thanks to you for being part of this journey towards AI-powered productivity.

Full changelog here: https://www.taskade.com/blog/ai-agent-sources-web-youtube-share-generate-block/

Brace yourself for an exciting 2024 with Taskade Automation, enhanced Custom AI Agents, and Autonomous Task Agents, all set to redefine your workflows.

• ߌ Add Web Links to AI
Introducing our first external knowledge source. Now, you can generate new projects, mind maps, and workflows with web sources, and also personalize your Custom AI Agents with deeper insights from any web source. Learn more at https://help.taskade.com/hc/en-us/articles/16626189880851#2-use-the-generator.

• ߓº Add YouTube Links to AI
Incorporate YouTube videos as knowledge sources for your AI Workflow Generator and Custom AI Agents. Use these new insights to personalize how you brainstorm ideas, generate content, and so much more. Learn more at https://help.taskade.com/hc/en-us/articles/22256943362323#6-train-your-agent.

• ߤ– Share Custom AI Agents
Easily share and copy your Custom AI Agents across workspaces for collaboration. Publish them for broader use and duplication. Learn more at https://help.taskade.com/hc/en-us/articles/22256943362323#10-share-ai-agents.

• ✍️ Generate Blocks with AI
Instantly create new blocks with AI across all project views, such as generating a new column in your Project Board. Browse our new AI Prompt Library to brainstorm, plan, or organize better with Taskade AI. Learn more at https://help.taskade.com/hc/en-us/articles/16626189880851—Taskade-AI-Generator-Projects-Blocks-Tasks-#5-generate-blocks.

• ⌨️ Quick Add Shortcut for Desktop
You can now use CTRL + SPACE to access Quick Add in our Mac, PC, and Linux desktop apps! For the web app, simply use ⌘ / CTRL + K. Learn more at https://help.taskade.com/hc/en-us/articles/360055835053—Quick-Add-Widget.

• Other Improvements:

New: Taskade Automation is now in Alpha. Contact us for early access
New: Web & YouTube Links support to enrich Taskade AI & Custom Agents
New: Custom Agent sharing, copying, and improved agent management
New: Custom Agent Templates for a variety of use cases and expertise
New: Language Support for Czech, Slovak, and Bahasa Indonesia
New: Google Contacts Integration in project sharing and collaboration
New: API for AI Agent Creation - Streamline the creation of AI agents
New: API for AI Agent Public Sharing - Easily generate links to share AI agents
Improved: Custom Agent Knowledge Management with new media selection
Improved: AI and Editor Enhancements for a more intuitive user experience
Improved: Media Q&A Chat using the latest GPT-4 Turbo model and search
Fixed: Various bugs across Taskade AI & GPT-4 Turbo for increased stability

ߎ„ As the holiday season arrives, we take a moment to reflect on 2023—a pivotal year in shaping the future of productivity and AI at Taskade. This year was filled with advancements in AI technology, culminating in the launch of Taskade AI, from our AI Workflow Generator, Custom AI Agents, AI Chat, and much more.

The coming year promises even more innovation. Get ready for Taskade Automation, further enhancements in Custom AI Agents, Autonomous Task Management, and other features, all designed to elevate your work experience to new heights of intuitiveness and dynamism in 2024.

Happy holidays and best wishes from the entire Taskade team! Keep an eye out for more exciting updates ahead! Questions? Visit our Help Center or just reach out. ߘŠ

Cheers to a year of growth and to an even brighter, AI-driven future at Taskade! ߚ€

— Jjohn and Team Taskade ߐ‘



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