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Posted by taskcade
Sep 13, 2022 at 11:05 PM


Big performance improvements update is live!

Minor updates

1. add-ons are now enabled in templates
2. bottom toolbar only show on multi-select
3. new integrations page with zapier page and styling > https://www.taskade.com/settings/integrations


Posted by taskcade
Sep 28, 2022 at 07:16 PM


ߚ€ New in Taskade!

⚡️ Add to Calendar
⚡️ Multi-select Toolbar
⚡️ /Assign in Slash Command
⚡️ Template Add-ons

and more ߑ‰ https://www.taskade.com/blog/add-to-calendar-multi-select-toolbar-assign-template-add-ons/

⚡️ Add to Calendar
You can now add tasks with due dates in the global Calendar View. Click on any day to add your task.

Learn more: https://help.taskade.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033427114

⚡️ Multi-select Toolbar

Edit Projects faster with the new Multi-Select Toolbar. Format blocks, add due dates, assign items, and check off multiple tasks with a single click. Learn more: https://help.taskade.com/hc/en-us/articles/9847684225043

⚡️ /Assign in Slash Command

You can now assign tasks by simply typing /assign and selecting a member. The assignee will be notified instantly that there’s a task waiting for them.

Learn more: https://help.taskade.com/hc/en-us/articles/5119502628627

⚡️ Template Add-ons

Project Templates now support add-ons. Speed up repetitive workflows with attachments, due dates, and more. Projects created from templates will retain all add-ons and attachments.

Learn more: https://help.taskade.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020255914

ߎ‰ Other Improvements

Taskade for Mobile:
New: Multi-select formatting
New: Quick capture offline support
Improved: Offline project view workflows
New: Updated and fully redesigned Integrations page
New: Enabled Add-ons menu in Custom Templates editor
Zapier: Add start and end date in Zapier (“Create Task” action)
New: Assign anyone using the /slash command
Fix: Display Comment icon and tooltip when disabled in Project Settings
Fix: Show Chat icon and tooltip when disabled in Project Settings
Fix: Completed projects show up in the Cmd/Ctrl + K menu
Fix: Lower CPU usage in web and desktop apps
Fix: Project field in Zapier now loads all Projects when searching
Fix: Add Task in the Board view now copies the last node formatting
Fix: Return focus back on the editor after Drag Menu is closed
Fix: Notifications are disabled by default for Template Add-ons
Fix: Template tasks are hidden from My Tasks and Global Calendar
Fix: Notifications distinguish between Workspace and Folder
Fix: Added support for longer Project tags
Fix: Various performance improvements and bug fixes
Have any questions? Visit our Help Center or let us know! ߘŠ

— Team Taskade ߐ‘

P.S. Want to help us improve Taskade? Join the discussion on our feedback forum.


Posted by taskcade
Oct 19, 2022 at 05:36 AM


# October 2022

- ߚ€ Action View, Timestamps, Mobile Widgets
  - ⚡️ Customizable Action View — The updated Action View allows you to re-order, re-size and hide columns. This is one of many steps toward a more powerful table experience. Learn more.
  - ⚡️ Timestamps for Tasks — Timestamps have been added inside the action menus to inform everyone who created, edited and completed a task. Learn more.
  - ⚡️ New Mobile Widgets — The latest Taskade mobile update introduces new widgets and additional customizations. Learn more.
- ߎ‰ Other Improvements
  - New: Calendar now lets you filter tasks for me, for others, and for everyone 
  - New: Zapier app directory is now live. Search through thousands of available apps to pair with Taskade and see popular workflows
  - New: Templates gallery is now live. Browse from over 300+ templates
  - New: Project Timestamp added to the more menu
  - New: Support emoji “**:**” keyboard shortcut in chat and comments
  - Fix: Export to PDF is now print friendly
  - Fix: Dragging calendar items in month, week, and day view no longer reset or add start and end times
  - Fix: Moving a project between workspaces now preserves due dates
  - Fix: You can now leave projects shared with you from shared with me
  - Fix: Comments history has been expanded to fetch older comments
  - Fix: Comments missing team profile online indicator
  - Fix: Updated chat notification style to match mobile
  - Fix: Alignments for compact header and menus
  - Fix: Mobile widget syncing and stability
  - Fix: Mobile share extension support 
  - Various performance improvements and bug fixes

Full update log here https://www.taskade.com/blog/action-view-timestamps-mobile-widgets/

Thanks, everyone!

John at Taskade


Posted by taskcade
Nov 22, 2022 at 10:38 PM


ߚ€ New in Taskade!

⚡️ Share Links
⚡️ Embed Projects
⚡️ Calendar Filters

and more ߑ‰ https://taskade.com/blog/share-links-embed-projects-calendar-filter/

1. ⚡️ Share Links — Sharing a project is now easier and faster. Select a default view for your share link, set the link permission, regenerate the link, or turn sharing off entirely.


2. ⚡️ Embed Projects — We’ve made embedding projects more customizable than ever before. You can now select the embed view, theme, and even hide the branded footer.


3. ⚡️ Calendar Filter — You can now filter the global calendar by workspace and folder.


ߎ‰Other Improvements


- New: Private projects now prompt you to login or request permission

- New: Added Folder management in workspace settings for better team visibility and access management

- New: Added App navigation for desktop apps to easily jump between screens with just a click of ← and → in the heading

- New: Improved guest project sharing. Our branding is now hidden by default

- Fix: Emedded projects were displaying incorrectly for taskade.com/templates

- Fix: Recurring calendar items on drag changing dates

- Fix: Inviting too many people to projects or workspaces throwing an error

- Fix: Action view with full backgrounds now uses the browser scrollbar instead of its own indepedent scrollbar

- Fix: Markdown pasting now supported. You can paste markdown text in our editor using **Cmd + Shift + V** on Mac or **Ctrl + Shift + V** on Windows

- Fix: Copying from Taskade now supports mixed block formatting

- Various performance improvements and bug fixes


John at Taskade


Posted by taskcade
Nov 29, 2022 at 06:54 PM


Taskade AI Writer powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3 is ready for beta testing inside of our outliner/editor!

If anyone is interested, please get in touch with us directly via https://www.taskade.com/contact



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