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Any note taking app that syncs over LAN?

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Posted by washere
Aug 4, 2019 at 05:34 PM


The forum parser is setting invisible my lines with angle brackets in previous comment.

When clicking on ftp plugin , then choose:
New Connection

When clicking on LAN plugin, then choose line:
+ New Server


Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Aug 4, 2019 at 10:51 PM


While Dropbox can sync files between computers in the same local network, this sync still requires an internet connection to Dropbox.com which handles what will be updated.

Skywatcher wrote:
>If I’m not mistaken, Dropbox allows you to sync over local LAN
>network. So any app that can use Dropbox for data storage would work in
>your situation.
>See https://blogs.dropbox.com/tech/2015/10/inside-lan-sync/


Posted by washere
Aug 4, 2019 at 11:03 PM


If you’re having difficulty setting up the ftp server on the router USB drive, install an ftp server on the Mac, easier, Google it. Then attach the USB drive to the Mac.


Posted by Dellu
Aug 5, 2019 at 09:54 PM


washere wrote:
If you’re having difficulty setting up the ftp server on the router USB
>drive, install an ftp server on the Mac, easier, Google it. Then attach
>the USB drive to the Mac.

I find the way to configure it on the router. I had a little troube for some time because the router doesn’t accept in exFat format.

I think I have now understood what you have explained. I will be back to you if I need further assistance. Thank you so much washere.


Posted by washere
Aug 6, 2019 at 12:19 AM


Good. I’ll fly in a few hours, might not be online for a few days.

I recommend an otg USB sd card reader for phone/laptop too when traveling. No need for ftp etc if in a hurry. eBay is cheaper but some sellers falsely say based in the West, but are in China, takes time, so read negative reviews for delivery.

If in a hurry, search on eBay for fast delivery sellers, or can buy on Amazon with prime next day delivery (free one month trial, can cancel) searching for same product title.

OTG phone Sd card reader:


OTG cables adapters etc for devices to connect to phone:


If USB type-C, then adapter to micro USB & full USB. Many cheap plastic ones failed for me over last two years, these 2 metal ones are cool & never failed & cheap:

Bon voyage




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