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Posted by Paul Korm
Feb 6, 2019 at 09:58 PM


Nice topic.  My tweaks of the original list.

1. Brainstorming :: iThoughtsX and/or Curio (on Windows: MindManager)
2a. Random Notetaking :: Bear (sometimes Curiota—but not much)
2b. Intentional Notetaking :: Agenda
3. Scheduling :: Fantastical 2 and DropTask (feeds Google -> Fantastical)
4. Task Management :: OmniFocus 3 and DropTask
5. Thought Processing :: TheBrain 10 and Curio and Tinderbox
6. Knowledge Archive :: DEVONthink Pro Office and Evernote
7. Project Knowledge :: I’m not sure what this category means vs. “Knowledge Archive”

8. Mail: Apple Mail (macOS) and Outlook (Windows 10)
9. Writing: Word (mainly Windows 10); Ulysses (sometimes)


Posted by JakeBernsteinWA
Feb 6, 2019 at 11:51 PM


Oooh, I like your tweak even more. My intent, of course, is to help me with an intentional app simplification as I adopt more and more of a hybrid approach. For the first time in a LONG time I attended a meeting with nothing but my bullet journal. No, I couldn’t transcribe the meeting as I often do, but I think I got more out of that meeting and never once did I lose my focus and check Twitter, my email, this forum, etc. during the meeting. It’s a good thing.

Now I have to figure out where to put my archival notes!

Paul Korm wrote:
Nice topic.  My tweaks of the original list.
> >1. Brainstorming :: iThoughtsX and/or Curio (on Windows: MindManager)
>2a. Random Notetaking :: Bear (sometimes Curiota—but not much)
>2b. Intentional Notetaking :: Agenda
>3. Scheduling :: Fantastical 2 and DropTask (feeds Google ->
>4. Task Management :: OmniFocus 3 and DropTask
>5. Thought Processing :: TheBrain 10 and Curio and Tinderbox
>6. Knowledge Archive :: DEVONthink Pro Office and Evernote
>7. Project Knowledge :: I’m not sure what this category means vs.
>“Knowledge Archive”
> >8. Mail: Apple Mail (macOS) and Outlook (Windows 10)
>9. Writing: Word (mainly Windows 10); Ulysses (sometimes)


Posted by Jeffery Smith
Feb 7, 2019 at 02:07 AM


It occurred to me that the apps I use at work *don’t* get used st home. I use Agenda at home to keep a diary of my audo recording routines. My home info tends to be more diary-like, though I do use Airtable for tracking which ink is in which fountain pen, and Airtable keeps track of audio plugins (the least-used ones don’t get updates).


Posted by Beck
Feb 7, 2019 at 04:07 AM


Fun topic, Jake. :)

1. Brainstorming : Good ol’ fashioned whiteboard, GoodNotes, Workflowy (happy)*
2a. Random Notetaking : Bullet Journal, GoodNotes (happy)
2b. Intentional Notetaking : Tinderbox (happy)
3. Scheduling : Fantastical (wish for something more elegant/spacious/accommodating of time blocking)
4. Task Management : Omnifocus 3 w/Bullet Journal for capture and TaskPaper for weekly planning (imperfect, but works well enough)
5. Thought Processing : Tinderbox, Morning Pages
6. Knowledge Archive : DevonThink
7. Project Knowledge : Project Memos in Google Docs, Task Paper, in some ways OF3 (could use a better system here)

8. Mail: MailMate (very happy)
9a. Writing: Currently unhappy and searching (considering Scrivener, Ulysses, Mellel, have used… everything)
9b. Editing: Hemingway (happy)
10. Reference: Paperpile (considering Bookends despite Pp’s elegance b/c #9)

11. Reading: DevonThink To Go (happy cause of sync to DTPO, but like GoodNotes and LiquidText a lot, too)
12. Grading: Annotated GoodNotes PDFs uploaded to Canvas (can’t stand Canvas of course, but otherwise happy w/this)

* Anyone else wish CMapTools wasn’t so darn… pixelated? Darn retina displays.


Posted by Dr Andus
Feb 7, 2019 at 09:16 AM


1. Brainstorming :: Squid or Google Keep with a stylus on a 2-in-1 Chromebook, VUE
2. Random Notetaking :: Google Keep (Windows, Chromebook, iOS) or paper notebook
3. Scheduling :: Google Calendar
4. Task Management :: Google Calendar, Google Keep, WorkFlowy, Google Sheets
5. Thought Processing :: Google Keep, WorkFlowy, ConnectedText, VUE, Freeplane
6. Knowledge Archive :: WorkFlowy, ConnectedText, Google Drive
7. Project Knowledge :: TeamGantt, TheBrain web client, ConnectedText, Gingko
8. Writing :: WriteMonkey, Caret (on Chromebook)
9. Reading & annotating PDFs :: Kami (Chromebook)
10. Outlining :: WorkFlowy, Natara Bonsai


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