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Posted by bigspud
Oct 5, 2016 at 09:44 PM


So it does! I hope I’m not the only person to be caught out assuming simplicity of a tool. I guess I was looking for the conventions of other apps. This noteplan turns out to be kinda elegant.


Posted by Paul Korm
Oct 5, 2016 at 09:58 PM


A heavy borrow from TaskPaper going on here.

Early days—but some features are odd.  You can add a note and schedule tasks on the note, but then when you click on the task in the calendar it suddenly becomes part of another note.  Not sure what’s going on with that.  But it’s pretty to look at.


Posted by MadaboutDana
Oct 6, 2016 at 09:51 AM


Yes, I’d have to agree that the scheduling is a bit confusing. I think it might be clearer if he made the whole scheduling thing completely transparent, using some kind of code (his use of @ is a good start). That way you’d know exactly what each task was doing. As it stands, it’s all a bit hit and miss, and you can quickly find out that you’ve somehow created multiple entries for the same task.

But hey, it’s a beta!


Posted by Eduard
Oct 6, 2016 at 11:06 AM


Hey all, creator of NotePlan here.

Awesome, that it’s getting some discussion :)
It’s a side project currently and I’m building the roadmap for after the Mac AppStore release.
My goal is to create a long term sustainable app, which I’m going to update regularly.

I saw the feedback for the scheduling feature and got some good ideas from other early users as well.
Outline of the improvement:

Once the task is scheduled and copied a clickable tag would be added at the end of the task:

* Wash the car @12/09-10:30

This makes it more transparent I hope. Let me know of other points, which are confusing or not very user-friendly.



Posted by Paul Korm
Oct 7, 2016 at 12:41 AM



My confusion with the notes is that there are two kinds of notes.  Notes that belong to a day in the calendar, and notes that are just general “standalone” notes.  Lines in notes are sometimes tasks and sometimes not, but any line can be “scheduled” as an “event” on any calendar day.  The lines that are scheduled on a day can belong to both kinds of notes.  The notes view only shows the notes that don’t belong to a specific day.  While the “calendar” view is really just an index of the notes that belong to specific days. 

So we can write a “standalone” note that describes everything that needs to be done with a project—including tasks and other narrative elements.  Or we can look at a day and see the tasks for that day.  But when we look at the tasks on the daily note we have no clue that that task belongs also to one of the “standalone” notes.  There’s nothing visual, no links, tags, or other indicators that tie together the two kinds of notes.

It’s an interesting design that takes some getting used. 


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