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Posted by 22111
Apr 8, 2022 at 10:12 PM


To clarify for the casual reader

For many years now,

- you have read all over the web that Apple’s narcs’ tool: “for me, just the best” (always alleged that Apple was the best), and consequentially,

- in virtually all (not only Hollywood-) movies, the protagonists (heroes), if they were shown with a computer, either sat before a Mac (rarely) or with a Macbook (Pro) on their lap (systematically, and preferably in bed), whilst

- the losers in movies systematically have been shown with PCs or (as cheap as possible) laptops (Acer and the like, preferably on cheap-looking desks / kitchen tables).

Thus, it’s a truism that Apple = narc (or “quality”, if you prefer).

A - rare - exception to the above rule are Lenovo notebooks, but see here: https://www.embedded.com/lenovo-adds-novelda-uwb-sensor-for-human-presence-detection-in-thinkpad/ - they now aggress you with radar beams; if you think that’s ok, well…

When I say that Apple’s evil, just look here, 2 days ago: https://www.heise.de/news/App-Store-Apple-fuehrt-automatische-Preiserhoehungen-fuer-Abonnements-ein-6664208.html - their app subscriptions’ price increases are now automated (in countries where such tactics are legal) - you’ll understand that I rejoice upon any such news about crazy people who obviously permit Apple everything… but on a more somber note, yesterday: https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Tim-Cooks-raffiniertes-Buendnis-mit-China-Apples-geheimer-Pakt-6657956.html?wt_mc=intern.red.plus.newsticker.7-tage-news.teaser.teaser -
before the paid part, they say, among other things, that with no other country than the one mentioned in the url, Apple is more intimate, and that “critics say that Apple is kneeling before a dictatorship” - well, that’s no news indeed.

Then, Scrivener is “sold” - especially by third-parties - as, I said, a one-stop writers’ shop, i.e. a self-contained writing-machine for all phases of writing and including documentation and all, and thinking of Scrivener’s spectacular success with would-be writers, I now think that Apple’s, monstruous, success, cannot be comprehended by narcs’ “for me, the very best only”, since if that was so, many of those narcs would finally notice that Apple’s NOT the best, and they would switch, but as we all know, most of them never do either.

Thus, Apple’s products’ TOTEM quality must lie in some other factor, I said to myself, and then, when you observe how jealously they try to CLOSE their systems, and even to the point of making it almost impossible to change the battery, glued all around under pretense of space considerations, it occurred to me that all of their really successful products (which excludes their servers and the like) are “perfect objects”, not - far from that - by quality, but by gestalt.

If you think further, you will quickly discover that this totem quality has been present in other commercial objects, before Apple’s rise, and there, too, it was NOT ONLY about “see, I’m rich, I can afford this” (as critics think Apple’s about), but that those objects, too, are required to have MAGICAL value for their owners, be them 6- or 7-digit priced Swiss watches (“time’s running out” > “You never own a xx for yourself alone” (or similar, don’t remind the exact wording, and showing some top manager / corporation owner, invariably together with his young son; or 5- and 6-digit priced Swiss watches for deep sea diving (!): if your workplace’s problems threaten to litterally bury you alive, ascertain yourself you bear the xx on your wrist, take a deep breath and say to yourself, the evening crowns the day - it’s NOT over yet, you’re not done in, it’s “noch nicht aller Tage Abend”), the Meisterstück fountain pen (which promises that your signature, done with it, will not ruin you, but hopefully beneficial to you), and even the Hermès scarf (in the mid- and high 3-digit range) which even some young girls collect, in order to rebut any juvenile anxiety, by identifying with their mums - it’s the only garment which they can “share”, without giving their respective age, i.e. which does not separate them from each other.

Thus, it’s about buying (into) a ROUNDED object, a totem, in order to possess (sic!) rest and peace, the DONE thing, instead of striving to create it, whilst the creator - it’s no wonder so many successful (i.e. they must do something right, right?) artists (painters, fashion designers) just wear black, so that literally no object (seemingly “perfect” or not, then even more disturbing their creation) interferes with their sight - whilst the creator then ALLOWS for chaos, allows for crudity, for in-the-making, and gets to the FINISHED product iteratively, by hard work.

In other words, totems, be them hard- or software (or that allegedly perfect merging of both in the iPad), or just men’s, women’s or thirdsex’s “accessories”, serve to fool you about “having it already done”, in work of any kind, or about “having already become a real person”, by possessing that totem,

instead of using some thinking (or “innervision”, as Stevie Wonder called that half a century ago) as anxiolytic while necessarily striving… striving to create, to become.

And since totems don’t work in the end as expected, we’ve also got social media. ;-)

(They obviously have got qualified shrinks over at Cupertino. Oh, and even MS have tried something like that, with their “trendy” hardware for some time now, but Windows’s too functionally ugly for such a spell for them to work out…)


Posted by 22111
Apr 8, 2022 at 10:47 PM


The above “time’s running out” [BUT] part was misleading, the full interpretation obviously is: even when your personal time’s running out indeed, and no watch in this world can stop time for you… but with our watch - you will ALL have seen their expensive ads, I’m sure, they’re all over the place world-wide, in managers’ magazines - the next generation will take over, any task / dream you will not be able to fulfill in person, your son (! they never ever show a girl or a thirdsex offspring: no woke with big money…) will do it for you (not only wear your watch): it’s the incantation of dynasty, of gestalt power even beyond death.

(And I have to say it’s one of the most powerful advertising claim I’ve seen in my life.)

German Gestalt (noun) = the (perfect,) finished product, and gestalten (verb) = to create (i.e. not only to produce, to make, but to make according to your ultimate will… and thus, people who fear they will not be able to do that, BUY it, pre-fabricated… poor chaps, you might say?)

But I was wrong about their sons-only… well, I was right to 95 or more cent, but lately, it seems they’ve even published some alibi ads: https://www.hodinkee.com/articles/patek-philippes-iconic-ad-campaign - https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertanaas/2016/12/09/patek-philippe-celebrates-20-years-of-its-iconic-advertising-campaign-you-never-actually-own-a-patek-philippe/?sh=2694f8c7475b - they call it “iconic”, and indeed, iconic it is, but, well…

at the end of the day, you could even say that they sell their totem watch, by abusing (sic!) your child as the ultimate totem behind the provisional one they sell to you. Oh yeah. (Well, you couldn’t pretend anymore I’d do covert advertising, now?)


Posted by 22111
Apr 9, 2022 at 07:54 AM


The Birkin Reach-Out aka iPhone

So much for the Patek sting, and sorry for some language faults, at 1 a.m. this morning (not only 95 cent instead of 95 per cent, and so on); I also should have spoken of luxe bag ladies de luxe, carrying their allegedly necessary things around with’em in (mostly) Hermès bags in the (sometimes even higher-up, when lizard, etc) 5-digit price range, the most prominent of these named after the prettiest original carriers of’em’all, Birkin (no, not the husband) - wikipedia instructs you that one was introduced in… 1984: well, if I had some pun intended here, I would have made up that indeed! - Sometimes, a newborn even carries its heart outside of its body, and then the papers show pictures of it, half-naked; not so with Birkin bearers: you could say they buy Birkins in order to NOT have to deambulate all naked in this cruel world!

But why “necessary” then? Because of the “I might need”-“Then I don’t have to think about” combination, which according to me is the motivational surface, whilst behind that lures some brain outsourcing, I pretend to glimpse - well, Marie Curie had been dead in 1984 already, so she’s not availabe to prove me wrong, and there is no Curie bag, as far as I’m informed.

As implied above, the aforementioned bags start in the 5-digit price range, some rare high-4-digit versions (do they even exist anymore, with inflation an’all that?) being considered cheap and not qualified to give satisfaction - well, the German “satisfaktionsfähig” is so much superior once more, but it’s too complicated to also being anglicized… they did it with “ersatz” though, and indeed, and the ersatz notion’s all over the place here indeed.

Anyway, to fill the bags up, accordingly, they made Nokias (remember that age?) in gold with diamonds (just google “nokia with diamonds”), and they created the Vertu (see vertu.com, “free shipping”!), but since half-a-million dollar phones of doubtful taste are out-of-reach for most, Apple created the reach-out for virtually everyone, and so that virtually everyonce could ostensibly prove their infallible taste, by a come-handy purchase in the higher-up 3-digit range, and that’s why Apple stake holder finally got really rich: the Birkin ersatz got to the schoolyard, and even in the suburbs: chapeau !

And yes, whilst the Nokia Communicator - with a real, albeit not very sturdy, keyboard! - tried to cope with the web as well as it could, the iPhone literally played with the web, put it… at your fingertips, provided you with (pseudo) mastery of its content, and that, indeed, was a revolution, the ultimate victory over the previous Birkin “yes, you prove you’re rich, but you either think of ***it*** in time, or you will have to wait, sorry!” rule (wikipedia: “An “it girl” is an attractive young woman, who is perceived to have both sex appeal and a personality that is especially engaging.” - a-ha! well, it’s always the bearer’s mind speaking, any, even nonverbal, communication being foremost subjective):

From now on, you could leave home even blank-minded, and then, you just needed the appropriate search terms (and the appropriate mobile contract), and, never-ever, you’d be all-naked in public! - now compare with the, today defunct, then deadly, classic notion of the “dumb blonde”, incarnated, via brilliant acting, by Monroe and Bardot, among others, and characteristically, there is no Monroe or Bardot bag model, since for an alleged dumb blonde, the claim “I’ve got my brain with me” would have instantly appeared hilarious, and thus would have spontaneously back-fired.

So, the iPhone saved half of humanity, even in its non-gold, non-rosy business woman versions, and the other half got the idea that from now on, finally, it was given to anybody to appear as a mine of information, and thus it’s really not surprising that Apple, financially, is where it stands: they invented the, apparent, ultimate empowering machine for Jane Doe (no pun to Birkin intended, and of any sex anyway).

And, even more, there’s even interlinking coming with it, so that Jane now gets even the impression her/their thinking’s enhanced (cf. the common dream of this forum’s contributors, software-wise), and how then wouldn’t she (always read: they) want to go into debt even, with her mobile provider, if necessary, to reach out to these spheres, formerly known to her as “their world, closed to me (must be my upbringing though, my genes are excellent)” (narc’s comfort, y’know?)?

But at the end of the day, this “open up” isn’t an intransitive one, it’s not about thinking now, it’s just about home delivery of, for most of it, indigestibles, of the same, for Jane that is, inscrutable “content” she’d always remained intellectually shy with, and btw, thinking’s about creating your own links, not following others’.

Encyclopedias don’t create on their own, and even delivering any knowledge there is, on paper at home, or electronicatlly to your always-on device wherever you are, will not make you (read: Jane) the necessary connections, almost any election, any poll out there proving me right.

Oh, and wikipedia on “Outbrain”: “Advertisers pay Outbrain on a pay-per-click basis and a portion of that revenue is shared with publishers.” - so much for, again, subliminal false promises and consequent dis-illusions.

As for “secondary benefits at least”, well, I read yesterday of some (male) Jane being saved out of an avalanche (how did she get into that, to begin with, say?), by pressing some (remaining) knob on her iPhone 5 times in a row or something, and with just 3 p.c. battery power remaining: so good for her! But protagonists in movies before the millennium, i.e. before the mobile’s advent, appear to me less continually, inherently agitated, hounded and rushed than their counterparts since, except for when the plot asked the former to start to run for a phone booth.

The good ol’times, then, but smart phones (or any anything else then) didn’t make Jane (m/f/d) any smarter since, according to my observation that is.


Posted by 22111
Apr 9, 2022 at 03:05 PM


Sorry to be non-systematic here, I’m just brainstorming and developing a little bit, scribble-wise.

Above, that would not have been “consequent”, but “consequential”, of course, and other faults, sorry.

Those would-be-divers’ toys’ (well, totems’ in fact) claim would best be described as “With Omega / Rolex / AP (Audemars Piguet: very sturdy - not just glued together as Apple fare -, very expensive), your (difficult: much is at stakes indeed, big money and all) day will not make you suffocate, but make you dive-up instead in the end, and there’ll be a deep breath again beyond your current turmoil”.

There is a notable exception to the rule of tablets not being creational: For perhaps 1 p.c. or an even much lesser fraction of their user base, an iPad Pro, together with its pencil and the right software, is the per perfect, ultimate replacement for your (read: their) classic Canson sketch book. - Whilst Moleskines are for phonies, and their “Bruce Chatwin” myth, even independently of his more private penchants (s/m, anyone here?) most moleskiners would very probably refrain of, running, could be qualified of one of the most laughable marketing narratives ever, hadn’t it been so much efficient on those would-be crowds indeed. If you need a text or musical travel notebook, buy an Olympus DM-720 instead: it won’t choke, as your handwriting might do, when taking notes - I endorse this since you might be tempted to buy a Sony UX-560 instead, for (much) better “gestalt” - even I fell for them first, I have to admit -, but they’re not reliable at all (well, neither of two that is), and if you know about Sony, you know that they’ve got a reputation of not being reliable when it comes to after sales service, manufacturer’s warranty included, and I can confirm that, too (proof on record of course).

“gestalten” would best be translated by to form, to shape, whilst “Gestalt” means the whole thing, not only its surface, as “form” or “shape” would convey, and it’s fun to consider the neighborhood of the terms “creation” and “recreation” in the English language, which is not replicated in German or French for example: it’s fun to have another look upon iPad and iPhone in respect to these terms, both objects being used for recreational, not creational means almost all of the time, overall, and even if the term re-creation originally meant some form of Nach-schaffen (vs. Er-schaffen, = creating-again-even-if-to-some-minor-degree vs. the original creating - sorry for again using the philosophers’ language per se, but how otherwise could you fully describe what e.g. a today’s violinist does when they play Mozart aut al.?), a quick look around you in any subway at rush hour will convince you your co-passengers don’t read Milton e.g. and then think about what he wrote, but if they don’t ingurgitate (directly or indirectly, but it’s always in the 8- or 9-figures range per “paper”) government-co-financed press… releases (commonly known as “news”, whilst it’s more or less, and more often than not, propaganda), so, if they don’t (very inadequately) try to “inform” themselves, they “chat” or some:

Which is to say, the SHAPE their world - by both means -, and most of all, they shape their space-of-perception, be it by reading so-called “journalists”, be it by communicating with their “contacts” (and even before school / office, just 10 minutes before seeing each other in person).

Thus, that’s the layperson’s way of “creation”, of Gestalten, and their iPhone is their working tool - you know, I love really funny jokes (remember Deconstructing Harry’s beginning, with the special-job in front of the blind woman, and then again, after the first, quite (euphemism:) “soft”, hour, when shrink Kirstie Alley, in a more-or-less justified nervous breakdown of her own, dismisses her husband in front of her client?), and thus, I can only raise my hat to that genius who coined SHAPE for naming NATO’s Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (near Mons, Belgium): what a brilliant joke indeed… and now, in Spring ‘22, even the aforementioned iPhone-gazing commuters got that!

What can I say? All those schoolgirls of any age, any sex - erenow, they were grounded after misbehaving and then getting caught, now mummy takes away their iPhone ad interim: poor little things! - literally NEED their totem, to get over their day, they EXIST in that totem, and without it, they’d consequentially feel zombied - and it’s iPhone whenever they can afford it (google “iphone rental”: oh, it’s so funny, so much joy!), since it’s the “original” - how could replicas (Samsung and all that crap, from Apple consumers’ pov) ever become iconic?

But over there, in google world, there are some genial merrymen, too, since, I cite wikipedia, “An android is a humanoid robot or other artificial being often made from a flesh-like material”.

Poor little things indeed!


Posted by tightbeam
Apr 9, 2022 at 05:01 PM


What in the hell…


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