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Single page/document outliner (like Workflowy)?

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Posted by AlarmedArrival
Dec 29, 2021 at 06:48 AM


Hello everyone!

I was wondering if anyone was aware of other single page/document outliners, such as Workflowy?

By single page/document I mean that your whole ‘vault’ of notes is a single outline of nested notes. As far as I can see, most note-taking/zettelkasten apps are either note-based (like Obsidian) or block-based (like Logseq or Roam). Yet even the block-based outliners rely on you creating individual pages/notes that contain the blocks and to which you can then link to.

What I enjoy most about Workflowy, however, is the fact that all your notes are part of a single outline; that there is no difference between a block and a page. This makes it much easier for me to start writing (I don’t have to worry where a note goes, if I should create a new note for an idea or add it to an old note etc.) and to quickly reorganise my notes.

I was wondering if anyone knows of other outliners that work in a similar way, i.e. keep all your notes in a single nested document?



Posted by Cyganet
Dec 29, 2021 at 04:37 PM


Indigrid does that, I believe


Posted by Daly de Gagne
Dec 29, 2021 at 05:27 PM


Dynalist can have everything in one outline. I originally used it that way - and still do for the most part.

AlarmedArrival wrote:
Hello everyone!
> >I was wondering if anyone was aware of other single page/document
>outliners, such as Workflowy?
> >By single page/document I mean that your whole ‘vault’ of notes is a
>single outline of nested notes. As far as I can see, most
>note-taking/zettelkasten apps are either note-based (like Obsidian) or
>block-based (like Logseq or Roam). Yet even the block-based outliners
>rely on you creating individual pages/notes that contain the blocks and
>to which you can then link to.
> >What I enjoy most about Workflowy, however, is the fact that all your
>notes are part of a single outline; that there is no difference between
>a block and a page. This makes it much easier for me to start writing (I
>don’t have to worry where a note goes, if I should create a new note for
>an idea or add it to an old note etc.) and to quickly reorganise my
> >I was wondering if anyone knows of other outliners that work in a
>similar way, i.e. keep all your notes in a single nested document?
> >Thanks!


Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Dec 29, 2021 at 05:41 PM


You might also look at Legend (it was moo.do). Like Dynalist, you can have separate documents, but you don’t have to. And with Legend you can open different views of your outline side by side.


I think the same goes for Checkvist.


I appreciate them all, but I’ve stuck mostly with Dynalist. And I don’t know that any of these will be an improvement on Workflowy, except how they might just fit your style better.



Posted by satis
Dec 29, 2021 at 08:01 PM


Last week Dynalist announced its 50%-off coupon code xmas21 but I don’t know when it expires. $48 for a year is very fair, though if you like Workflowy it’s that same yearly price without any discounts.


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