Tree app - macOS
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Mar 5, 2021 at 04:21 AM
Hello Steve,
I saw your post about Dashword and felt nostalgic for Tree again. Taking your inspiration for Tinderbox’s chart view again…

Chart View does not show Text but it does show Subtitle.
Posted by Larry_in_Bangkok
Oct 26, 2021 at 12:22 PM
As for a “tree” outliner I’ve been using SimpleMind Pro for many years.
I wrote about it on this forum three years ago (under a different user name):
SimpleMind Pro is not a powerful outliner, just basic features: check box, todo list, date list—and that’s about all.
Folding in the outliner: yes.
Filtering-highlighting, yes, but only in MindMap view, not in the outliner view.
The best part, the “wow” factor, is click any row in outline view and instantly highlights that topic in Mind Map view.
Both views visible side-by-side.
The outliner is so simple there is no learning curve.
But the Mind Map is very powerful so there some learning, but I found that to be a gentle-slope curve.
SimpleMind Pro in production with updates at regular intervals.
I’ve been following the Zavala thread here with much interest.
Wondering if it will have “tree” or MindMap features.
I haven’t seen Zavala yet because still on Mojave here, but on Zavala’s Github page for “Planned Features” I searched for, but could not find, any mention of “tree” or “map”.
Did I miss something?
Posted by steveylang
Nov 24, 2021 at 06:47 PM
Scapple is my go to for visual thinking- it’s very bare bones, but very frictionless for me to use. I agree folding would be really great feature, although I’m pretty sure no new features are planned (in the interest of simplicity.)
There is a iOS app called Mindscope that is somewhat similar, but does have multi-levels. When you tap on an existing item, it opens into its own sub-page (actually I wish you had to press and hold to do that, and tap to select.) I wish there was a Mac version.
MadaboutDana wrote:
As I play with it, however, I’m also reminded of Scapple, an app
>developed by the Scrivener crew. It’s like a mind-mapping app, but
>primarily textual, and is surprisingly powerful.
>However, unlike Tree, it doesn’t do folding.
>There are mind-mapping apps that do do folding, however, and even do
>quite sophisticated things with text – one of the versions of
>XMind, I seem to remember.
Posted by Bernhard
Nov 25, 2021 at 10:03 AM
Did you look at Dashword in Mac App Store?
Posted by Bernhard
Nov 25, 2021 at 10:08 AM
Sorry, I missed your previoud posting about Dashboard.