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List of ALL the software that support CLONING

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Posted by donleone
Feb 20, 2016 at 03:48 PM


After having done a list on:

ALL the desktop info-managers that support CUSTOM FIELDS


and also a list on:

ALL the deskop info-managers that support TAGGING


i felt it was worthy and needed
to also compile once a list
of ALL the desktop software
that supports CLONING.

Since i recently was challenged
to create an information structure
in which i realized that “cloning”
would have been extremely useful

and how limited it made me
in being able NOT to find
possibilities & connections
when exactly “cloning”
was NOT available
in a software.

and which put me
thus back into thinking
at what then exactly again
the key benefits of cloning were

and why exactly none of them
could just NOT be accomplished
with the use of only tagging & custom fields
no matter how clevery one tagged !

before we therefore get into the list,
allow me quick to share thus first
the AMAZING benefits that “cloning”
is able to offer to a person / researcher
when it is found in an info-manager:



On whatever hidden and remote,
sub sub topic you put some info in

as soon as you make and put a clone
(or in other words, a “preview able content inclusion”)
of that topic inside of a whole other section

then that remote sub sub info
of which you otherwise would NOT have thought of
while being in the focus of of that other section

becomes thus instantly to you available

And with this info then of course
being EXTREMELY powerful exactly when
that clone’s info / notes / attributes
is not just via a simple hyperlink referenced

but rather instead VISIBLY INCLUDED

or even better VISIBLY EDITABLE as-well

such as it would be the case
when such a cloned content would be included and seen through
as for example an I-FRAME or an OLE-window
or at least some linked MDI-interface

or some other way natively
by which that content would be
quick preview-able and if possibly also editable
right down to the very source of that clone itself.

and rather than again for that clone to be
just a simple word or line of dead text hyperlink

or a likewise simple and dead
mere link to a another note
that gets added in a tree

with but again
the exact CONTENT OF IT
and that is BEHIND IT

being totally in-invisible
and making thus this clone
virtually almost worthless
to bring that remote info
instantly close !

but for more on this point, see the




And with then furthermore the big key benefit being
that all this detail info that is found in the clone
is always instantly automatically updated
and added also unto or subtracted also from
in ALL the OTHER contexts as-well
that have this clone
included in them.

and ideally again
not just the notes of that clone
but if possible its tags
and/or custom fields of it

likewise being instant visible
or at least quick preview-able
right from that other context as-well.

And with thus the aggregation
and creation of these new relations

happening totally naturally
and very organically
without you even having
to think about it

but instead by simply focusing
on just that sub sub topic
at that time

without even realizing
that by adding info in that clone source
you are actually thereby also
in fact creating and adding

new possible relations & perspectives
to ALL the other contexts
simultaneously as-well !

and that not just in the contexts
that you already have your clone included with

but also with all the POSSIBLE contexts
that you in the future may still connect
that clone and its content to !!

and which is quite an amazing
untapped relational potential
if you once stop
and think about it!



And which adding to
or aggregation of these:

- new possibilities
- new perspectives
- new associations
- new connections
- or relations

is still all greatly LIMITED
in its true and full potential
that you always have to MANUALLY
keep adding infos into these sub sub notes
as best as you can at that time of adding KNOW

and which but exact limitation
can be eliminated and can be sky-rocketed to
into rather a super usefulness potential

when instead of manually adding infos from scratch
into those sub sub detail notes,

and then rather than much writing
keeps much time on careful co-relating
and selecting rather

as such it would be for example
when those range lists would be stored
in for example corresponding custom fields
or possibly a multi-choice dropdown box

that then would automatically also update and/or remove
the already previously selected options so far

or else simply keep them highlighted at least
inside of this multi dropdown box field

so that when you go to that clone
with the goal of seeking out new connections

you could then simply see and ignore all those
that you already have previously selected

and instead go rather into
or as one might call it “pool of possibilities”
or pool of still available possible relations

to pull out from there then
that still un-related
and not discovered yet
new perspective
and connection.

and if that software of choice
would not have the ability
to create dropdown field boxes

then this same thing could be also
simply accomplished by the creating
of a TABLE in the NOTES section
in that sub sub topic

and where then simply that table
would contain a list
of all the possibilities
that could be RELEVANT

and with then ones that had been
already used and previously selected
these could then simply STRUCK THROUGH

or in some other way
usefully color highlighted
easily in that table.

and these dropdown fields or note tables

could then be for example pre-populated
with some either generally useful infos
that would be to find possibilities,
such as for example:

- synonyms/antonyms range lists

- adjectives/noun/verb range lists

- or related words range lists

that can be easily extracted
from an exhaustive dictionary / thesaurus software
such as for example WordWeb Pro (http://wordweb.info)

or else they could be pre-populated
with some other more specific range list of possibilities
that is more domain focused on a specific niche

and that could not simply be extracted
from an exhaustive dictionary or thesaurus

but that still then could be easily created
by for example using Microsoft Excel
to quickly create a list of many variations
on no matter what subject matter it would be.

and then again
this range list of possibilities
would then also absolutely have to be

so to NOT create
just a bulk of blown up data
that then becomes totally meaningless
when pulled into all the many contexts
that then this clone is included in.



Then again, as mentioned in the beginning,
that “clone diplay” of both
in its normal state and also
when seen in a search results view

should ideally be maintained
and ideally be preview-able

in as much as possible
the same exact NATIVE VIEW
in how that content is displayed

and by which thus
not only the FULL CONTENT of it is displayed
but also the FULL STRUCTURE of it is retained
and made VISIBLE and ideally also EDITABLE

and exactly NOT reduced down
to a dead word or dead list of text only
in some side panel in a corner

(with “dead” meaning as static
and not “alive” as in dynamic)

where by that foolish reduction
not just the whole content of it
but also the whole inter-relation of its:

- parent / child relations

- same level siblings relations

- cousin / grandfather relations

of that sub sub topic
by that becomes all together

by the forcing of that clone
and/or of its close search results view

into again simply a dead list
displayed in some limited side panel
that is made up of static text only.

and from which again
neither the CONTENT
cannot be seen

and with thus the key benefits
having been identified

let us now take a look
at the list of ALL the software
that in one way or another
does support CLONES.

(and with at the end, my personal pick given
of the software that so far seems only able
to fulfill ALL of these requirements
in the easiest possible way so far)






- Youminds Composer (https://www.youminds.com)

- ConnectedText (http://www.connectedtext.com)

- Scrivener (https://www.literatureandlatte.com)

- Freeplane (http://www.freeplane.org)

- TheBrain (http://www.thebrain.com)

- Onenote (https://www.onenote.com)


- Ultra Recall (http://www.kinook.com/UltraRecall)

- TopicScape 3D (http://www.topicscape.com)

- Brainstorm (http://www.brainstormsw.com)

- Surfulater (http://www.surfulater.com)

- MyInfo (http://www.milenix.com/myinfo)

- WhizFolders (http://whizfolders.com)

- Zoot (http://www.zootsoftware.com)

- InfoQube (http://www.infoqube.biz)

- Treepad (http://www.treepad.com)

- MyBase (http://www.wjjsoft.com)





- Freemind (http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/19325/freemind)

- Scrivener (https://www.literatureandlatte.com)



- DevonThink Pro (http://www.devontechnologies.com)

- Neo (http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/35445/neo)

- Tao (http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/13891/tao)

- Tinderbox (http://www.eastgate.com/Tinderbox/)



- Nixnote ? (https://sourceforge.net/projects/nevernote)

perhaps some Linux users
could elaborate on more here.


so please feel free
to add any more you know
that i may have missed


and as far as now my favorite goes
out of ALL the above available software

that is so far able
to fulfill ALL of the
above described needs

and that therefore has
the most flexible of ALL

then it would have to be
definitely so far:

YouMinds Composer 6.6

which as strange and ugly
as its interface may look
has by FAR the most powerful


that is full preview-able and full-editable
in whatever you way you can imagine it to be
stacked, grouped, tabbed, mind-mapped,
listed, diagrammed or flow-charted in
down to unlimited levels deep-stacked

or even so much as an so far un-heard of
CLONE in CLONE in CLONE deep stacking
into each other possible !

in the most flexible way
out of ANY other software
that that currently exists.

and with almost all of its views
being fully back and forth convertible
and instant switch-able between each other
from example block diagram
to outline to mindmap to flowchart
all with just a click of a button

so that the same data
can be viewed, printed or presented out
in many different ways,
at almost the same time

but of course i too wished
that YouMinds would look better
and more pleasing to the eye

but i guess that is simply
the best possible compromise
that you can currently get
in exchange for its
power features mix.



Posted by Paul Korm
Feb 20, 2016 at 05:09 PM


I won’t pretend to understand the original posting, but if “clone” is defined (as I think it is, above) as ” ‘a preview able content inclusion’ (sic) of [a] topic inside of a whole other section” then TinderboxSix (on the Mac) definitely supports cloning.  In fact it supports a very robust set of features to include content from one note, or a group of notes, into another note.  Including the basic ^include([note],[template])^ syntax.

If “cloning” were to cover also aliasing—inserting an instance of a note into multiple sections / containers / groups—then that is also supported by DEVONthink and TinderboxSix, and probably a lot of other Mac apps that do not come to mind right now.


Posted by donleone
Feb 20, 2016 at 05:26 PM


and is that including in Tinderbox

a mere “copying into” that is static

or is it rather a “live editable preview”
(to that original source topic that is behind it) ?

and by the way, i just realized
that i forgot to mention also
on the Mac

Curio 10

as being able to perform
the basic cloning function

which is that one of
simply linking or aliasing
a note in some other place
in the tree!

but again it is rather
the “live-editable preview content inclusion”
from anywhere to anywhere

that is what i am after
and tried to bring out
in this post

and that surely
is a very rare thing.

(but so very useful!)


Posted by donleone
Feb 20, 2016 at 07:54 PM


here is a QUICK EXAMPLE made quick in YouMinds

that all may see visually, exactly what i meant in my original post

this is an example of a


put into a custom made tab navigation menu (that are the 3 levels on top)
and that is likewise stacked into itself just to show the power thereof
and to illustrate what i tried to describe in my original post.

here the un-collapsed and opened view:

and again, all these CLONE BLOCKS (or any other shape or style you may like)
are designed to be topics from somewhere else in the database
that are instant updated and fully
previewable + collapseable + editable
right then & there without having to drill in.

and here just a quick example of the COLLAPSED VIEW,
of which you would only un-collapse the sections
that are of particular interest to you at that specific time.

and whats more, when any item is collapsed,
YouMinds gives you an INSTANT SLIDE OUT PREVIEW of it
so that really only if you really like it,
can you decide to go on and un-collapse it
- which is very useful & amazing.

see it here:


surely i know of NO OTHER SOFTWARE
that can do this, but would surely
like to know of any more.



Posted by Marbux
Feb 20, 2016 at 10:31 PM


The technical term for a true clone in an outliner is a “transcluded node.” Search for “transclusion” to get definitions. “Transclusion” is as opposed to “inclusion,” which is a simple replication, akin to a paste action, does not enable editing the original note and all clones from the original or any clone. 

NoteCase Pro for desktops needs to be added to the list of Todo/Task Managers and to the Classic outliner list that do node transclusion. It’s available with builds for Windows, OS X, Unix, and multiple flavors of Linux, for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. The full list of supported operating systems is on the download page. http://notecasepro.com/download.php Note, however, that I do not know if NoteCase Pro for Android has this feature yet (it’s a separate program that is far less mature than NoteCase Pro for destops, although both file formats in common). The document synchronization server that is included with the desktop version can be used to synchronize documents across all supported operating systems including Android.

NoteCase Pro should also be added to the list for outliners that support node tagging and has all features mentioned in your “advanced” list of features (and more) except hierarchical tags. 

The desktop version should also be added to your list of outliners supporting fields, referred to in NoteCase Pro as “custom note properties” or “custom global properties” with the custom properties consisting of custom key/value pairs that can be applied to either a note or globally to the entire document. For custom note properties, the key names can be displayed in columns in either classic hierarchical mode or in list view and all custom properties can be addressed/manipulated via the program’s application programming interface and the embedded Lua scripting engine. There is no limit on the number of custom properties that can be assigned to a note or a document.

Custom collections or arbitrary groups of nodes can be displayed in a variety of ways. For node tags, double-clicking on a tag displays a flat list view of all nodes that share the selected tag. Control+double-clicking removes all nodes that share that tag from an existing List View. For both tags and custom properties, arbitrary nodegroups can be created using the search dialog with the “fill to list view” option checked. Optional search targets include both tags and custom properties (as well as other sub-node sections), with simple string search, PERL-compatible regular expressions, or boolean queries. Search queries can be saved. Arbitrary nodegroups in List View can also be created using scripts. (I’ve written more than 40 scripts for that purpose.)  List views of arbitrary nodegroups can also be saved to file and reloaded.

Best regards,



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