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Freeplane - new release

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Posted by Jon Polish
Jun 13, 2014 at 04:51 PM


A summary of improvements and additions from the forum:

New features since 1.2.3 :

Ability to rearrange custom filters in the filter composer
Add Format=Unparsed LaTeX and \unparsedlatex node prefix to allow LaTeX content that is solely used for export
Add-on jar libraries
Allow program arguments like file.mm#ID_123456 to choose the first selected node
Allow to enter external http and https urls in add / change external image dialog
Bigger filter composer window depending on screen resolution
Cloud support in the scripting API
Command line option -U

Compile scripts on class path on startup
Editor for Latex with Syntax Highlighting
Export improvements
Install url handler for protocol “freeplane” for windows and mac
Internal frames
Latex rendered inline with automatic line breaks
Menu and preferences structure can be edited by users
Named filter conditions are part of the main menu
Open Street Maps as node extensions
Option to set image resolution for PNG/JPG image export
Performance: cache compiled scripts
Remove “.mm” from tab titles
Scripting API for node encryption, exports and map specific storage
Scripting API: node.style.numberingEnabled, node shifts, node.minimalDistanceBetweenChildren
Several scripting API extensions
Textbox in preferences for common/global LaTeX macros (plugins->LaTeX)
Undockable maps
Update groovy to 2.1.9
Use signed applet and jnlp descriptors so that local applets can run with the latest java
Use signed jar so that local jar files work with the latest java versions


Posted by Dr Andus
Jun 13, 2014 at 05:36 PM


Jon Polish wrote:
A summary of improvements and additions from the forum:
>New features since 1.2.3 :

Thanks, Jon. The improvements seem to be fairly technical, focusing on sophisticated power users. But before new users might be put off by this, let me say that it’s perfectly possible to use Freeplane as a very simple outliner, without the need to get involved with any of the advanced features. Freeplane these days is my main outliner, and I never bothered with those advanced features.

Out of all the improvements listed, this one sounds the most interesting to me, as a non-sophisticated but daily user:

> Install url handler for protocol “freeplane” for windows and mac

If I understand this correctly, this should allow one to link from a document within another software (such as Scrivener or ConnectedText) directly to a specific node in Freeplane. So far I’ve been using such links in the opposite direction (linking from a Freeplane node to a ConnectedText topic or a Surfulater item), which is also very useful. But being able to link to specific Freeplane nodes opens up new possibilities.


Posted by Paul Korm
Jun 13, 2014 at 10:03 PM


I’m a little confused by release numbers.  I have Freeplane 1.2.23 installed (OS X).  “Check updates” tells me that version 1.3.11 is now available.  I’ll go to that.


Posted by jaslar
Jun 13, 2014 at 11:15 PM


May I ask why you’ve decided to go with Freeplane as your outliner of choice?

I used to use it a lot, then kind of drifted away from it. I’d missed the whole “outliner” mode, which looks pretty good (although on my Ubuntu box a collapsed node didn’t show up in the parent, making it hard to know what was IN the outline).

But it does seem a remarkably flexible tool, bridging the gap between dashboard, file manager, link manager, mind map, and outliner. Is that your point?


Posted by Dr Andus
Jun 13, 2014 at 11:58 PM


Dr Andus wrote:
>> Install url handler for protocol “freeplane” for windows and mac

I’ve been experimenting with this feature, trying to find a use for it. To use it with ConnectedText, the following steps need to be followed:

1) Add the word “freeplane” to the list of protocols in My Documents > ConnectedText >  protocols.txt and restart CT.

2) Go to Freeplane > Tools > Preferences > Environment and tick the two boxes for “Single program instance.” (If you don’t do this, a new Freeplane application instance will launch every time you click on the link.)

3) Then navigate to any node in a Freeplane map to which you want to link to, right click on it, and select “Copy node URI.”

4) Go to a CT topic, type [[$URL: then paste the Freeplane link in and type |whatevernameyoulike]] and that’s it. A link to the Freeplane node will be created.

5) Click on the link in CT, and Freeplane will display the linked node. I like to have “View > Center selected node” on, so the node will always be displayed in the centre.

I imagine a similar process would need to be followed with Scrivener or any other software that allows you to add a new protocol.

This feature could be used as a form of bookmarking Freeplane nodes externally. Let’s say you’re working through a big Freeplane mind map, and you don’t want to forget the last node you were working on (or maybe a whole range of nodes in different parts of the map). Then you can just create a series of links to each node in CT, and call up and navigate through the nodes that way.


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