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Bublup gets rid of free accounts (and soon their data as well)

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Posted by exatty95
May 9, 2024 at 11:30 AM


How do you like MyMind? It seems relatively expensive, especially if you want the Reader, but I also find it intriguing like Bublup.


Posted by Stephen Zeoli
May 9, 2024 at 12:43 PM


I like MyMind. It is a bit on the pricey side, no doubt. But it is very easy to bring material into the app and it is easy to retrieve it when needed. It isn’t a space for working with the information. It doesn’t have back-links or graphs. It’s just a junk drawer that is easy to use and has proven very dependable. One thing that bothers me—and it is probably just me—MyMind isn’t always top of mind for catching information. I don’t know why that is. Maybe it is the way that it displays my captured information in a messy jumble. That is, there’s no form to the way my information looks in MyMind. You can add some form with the Spaces feature, basically saved searches. And you can pin important notes for quick access.

If I had more confidence in the developers of Bublup, I might switch to that app. But MyMind seems pretty rock solid.

exatty95 wrote:
How do you like MyMind? It seems relatively expensive, especially if you
>want the Reader, but I also find it intriguing like Bublup.


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