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Bublup gets rid of free accounts (and soon their data as well)

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Posted by Ken
Nov 19, 2023 at 03:13 AM


I received an email on the morning of November 17 from Bublup letting me know that costs have gone up and that they were raising the price of their base level account by $1 USD/mo.  They were also eliminating their free accounts going forward due to costs.  And, they were not going to grandfather or freeze the data on any existing accounts, but were going to be deleting it on Dec. 1.

I can understand the price increase and removing the free accounts going forward.  And I can even see why they want to reduce their data storage in their free accounts.  But only giving two weeks notice to users to download their data prior to deletion seems to be a harsh in my book.  Would it really have been that difficult, or costly, to give people a month or six weeks?

I tried it out several months ago when I first discovered it and found many great features I liked, but was on the fence about a subscription since I am already using Walling under a paid plan.  I might have considered a paid subscription, but the two-week migration period left me quite cold.

More details here:  https://www.bublup.com/support/changing-to-paid-app/



Posted by Barrage
Nov 19, 2023 at 09:55 AM


Such a shame…I had only recently gave this one a good look and really liked it.
However such a dramatic change in so short a time with as little warning makes me worry about its true state and what other drastic actions may happen down the (likely short) road.

I simply cant justify suddenly paying, when it feels like a “do it now or you data gets it” situation.
Can anyone recommend similar products? Perhaps in a more stable state?

Thank you.


Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Nov 19, 2023 at 06:01 PM


My feelings as well. Bublup has a lot of potential, but it still needs some features for me to be willing to pay for it. The note feature, especially is very weak. This is just another app that isn’t quite there yet, and I can’t afford to keep paying for those.



Posted by Paul Korm
Nov 19, 2023 at 08:39 PM


Sam Altman unexpectedly has lots of free time.  Maybe he would help out.


Posted by Ken
Nov 20, 2023 at 12:11 AM


Barrage wrote:
Such a shame…I had only recently gave this one a good look and really
>liked it.
>However such a dramatic change in so short a time with as little warning
>makes me worry about its true state and what other drastic actions may
>happen down the (likely short) road.
> >I simply cant justify suddenly paying, when it feels like a “do it now
>or you data gets it” situation.
>Can anyone recommend similar products? Perhaps in a more stable state?
> >Thank you.

Mutual feelings.  Stephen can probably also recall similar programs, but the two that immediately come to mind are Walling and Milanote.  Both have been discussed on the forum and a search can bring up some useful posts.



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