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Single page/document outliner (like Workflowy)?

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Posted by Daly de Gagne
Dec 29, 2021 at 05:27 PM


Dynalist can have everything in one outline. I originally used it that way - and still do for the most part.

AlarmedArrival wrote:
Hello everyone!
> >I was wondering if anyone was aware of other single page/document
>outliners, such as Workflowy?
> >By single page/document I mean that your whole ‘vault’ of notes is a
>single outline of nested notes. As far as I can see, most
>note-taking/zettelkasten apps are either note-based (like Obsidian) or
>block-based (like Logseq or Roam). Yet even the block-based outliners
>rely on you creating individual pages/notes that contain the blocks and
>to which you can then link to.
> >What I enjoy most about Workflowy, however, is the fact that all your
>notes are part of a single outline; that there is no difference between
>a block and a page. This makes it much easier for me to start writing (I
>don’t have to worry where a note goes, if I should create a new note for
>an idea or add it to an old note etc.) and to quickly reorganise my
> >I was wondering if anyone knows of other outliners that work in a
>similar way, i.e. keep all your notes in a single nested document?
> >Thanks!