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Posted by MadaboutDana
Oct 13, 2020 at 09:34 AM


Ditto for FoxTrot Pro, for identical reasons: less app-dependency, more flexibility. Similarly, I’ve moved away from favourites like Ulysses and Scrivener to markdown apps for all my notekeeping. This also, of course, means you can mix and match stuff – so I use NotePlan to manage a lot of info, but I also index the info with FoxTrot Pro, meaning I can correlate it with other info I don’t keep in NotePlan. Ditto Notebooks (where I keep a lot of PDFs) and Bear (where I keep a lot of exfiltrated web pages) – again, I can use FoxTrot Pro to index those data repositories too, in various combinations with other repositories.

I love the idea of Roam, Obsidian (and the Life Notes beta I’m currently testing), but in the end, I find that FoxTrot Pro delivers more useful info more quickly than any of these cross-linked apps, especially with regular expressions and the relatively new ability (in version 7.0) to refine searches.

The most direct comparison on Windows would be DT-Search for Desktop, although the web version (much more expensive) is cross-platform. FoxTrot doesn’t unfortunately feature a web version – I wish it did!