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Dark themes

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Posted by Dr Andus
Mar 10, 2018 at 04:14 PM


Alexander Deliyannis wrote:
>Further, statistics is one thing, individual cases are another. I see
>that the experiment used in total 9 subjects aged 17 to 31. I am 50,
>have always disliked fast-moving video games and preferred natural light
>-even dim- for reading, even as a child. Am I going to switch to high
>contrast settings for my monitors any time soon? No, definitely not.

I’m not a medical expert, but I also suspect that individual characteristics matter. There are all kinds of factors that affect sensitivity to light (incl. genuine chronic medical conditions), which then would influence preferences. We’re talking genetic make-up, which differs from person to person.

I tend to write my diary entries at the end of the day, when it’s dark, right before going to sleep, and I noticed that I much prefer to do this using light-coloured font against a dark theme (“Idle Fingers” in Caret, a Chrome app). Somehow I find it easier to focus on the lines I’m typing.

My desktop wallpaper is set to dark grey on all my laptops, and I’m annoyed every time I navigate to some super-white and bright website (except OutlinerSoftware.com, where the benefits of the content outweigh the discomfort ;-)