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Posted by Mark Nevarrik
Dec 30, 2017 at 12:01 AM


Hey guys,

My apologies for the confusion. I just released Indigrid on the 26th, and it was between getting something out to get some feedback or increasing the risk of getting deep in the weeds. I should have set the expectations.

As for the crashes, there is a link on the crash message where you can send me an email of the message. You don’t even have to fill anything out, just with the error message I can probably track it down—I’d appreciate it but no hard feelings either if you’d rather check in again in a year for something more established.

As for the columns, you are creating a new view of a subset of the current or focused column that you are opening up an alternative view on. You can duplicate an existing view but then filter it. Or if you want to have 4 columns that you drag between, in the Root column make 4 nodes with children and create columns for those. Note that you can undo closing or opening columns—the undo extends to changes of the “view.” Probably my mistake that if you have a node without any children, creating a column on it will make a column on that node’s parent—which when playing around just duplicates the Root node.

As for the philosophy—these were my notes to get feedback on where I am trying to take the project. It isn’t there, but by writing it I was able to make design decisions that would have been hard to revisit later. For example, all “view” operations go on the undo stack—even things like resizing a column or filtering a column. And the database design keeps track of all changes, even if right now the only benefit is that undo persists after closing Indigrid. But later I can “unlock” those dormant changes to create views of different revisions of the tree or sub-tree.

Chris Murtland brought up a nasty bug—if you close the initial root you can’t get back to it right now—let me see if I can’t get a new version up tonight addressing that and some of the other great concerns Chris brought up. Thank you Chris.

And Washere left me hanging on the “half a dozen vital functions and interface features” that could make the software better. I’d love to hear what’s on that list Washere.