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Freeplane - new release

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Posted by Dr Andus
Jun 13, 2014 at 05:36 PM


Jon Polish wrote:
A summary of improvements and additions from the forum:
>New features since 1.2.3 :

Thanks, Jon. The improvements seem to be fairly technical, focusing on sophisticated power users. But before new users might be put off by this, let me say that it’s perfectly possible to use Freeplane as a very simple outliner, without the need to get involved with any of the advanced features. Freeplane these days is my main outliner, and I never bothered with those advanced features.

Out of all the improvements listed, this one sounds the most interesting to me, as a non-sophisticated but daily user:

> Install url handler for protocol “freeplane” for windows and mac

If I understand this correctly, this should allow one to link from a document within another software (such as Scrivener or ConnectedText) directly to a specific node in Freeplane. So far I’ve been using such links in the opposite direction (linking from a Freeplane node to a ConnectedText topic or a Surfulater item), which is also very useful. But being able to link to specific Freeplane nodes opens up new possibilities.