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Posted by Hugh
Jun 29, 2013 at 10:15 AM


For me, Scrivener support has always been really excellent, right from the point when Literature and Latte was a one-person band - a major factor in the attractiveness of the product and in my eagerness to recommend it.

I share exactly Steve’s view of Tinderbox’s support via its forums (I’ve never contacted Eastgate directly). I can never completely decide whether the problem (in communication) lies with me or them - but I have to say it’s probably me.

Those two cases demonstrate to me that as ever, economics rules. Assuming that you know what you’re doing as a developer, if you have a very successful product - as Scrivener is - you can attract and afford to hire really good, helpful people, of whom Literature and Latte has an increasing number. If you have more of a niche product, however excellent, you’re more dependent on experienced users: Mark Anderson, for example, contributes a tremendous amount to the Eastgate forums.