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Re: New Graphical Outliner--"Personal Memory Manager"

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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.

Outliners.com Message ID: 5081

Posted by stephenz
2006-01-17 16:41:54


> PMM’s creator/developer has written an interesting primer on concept mapping for learning and creativity:

As I was reading the above referenced primer, it occured to me that one of the conceits of a program like PMM or many of the others, is the notion that you can actually store all your knowledge in one place—or anyplace other than your own brain. You are basically going to do one of two things: 1. capture and manage information created by others; or 2. capture and manage ideas created by yourself. The processes (and, therefore, the tools needed) for doing each of these two activities are not the same. Most often, maybe always, you will be combining both types as you work on a single project. But how to effectively gather and manipulate the externally generated with the personally generated will require two different sets of facilities. Zoot will do the first task brilliantly, but is not so great with the second. Brainstorm manages to do both to some extent fairly well, but really excels at the personally generated. The third aspect, of course, is how you bring the two realms together to create something valuable and unique… this is the creativity, I suppose. Is a third set of tools necessary for this activity? Probably.

I know this is not a new thought—it has been talked about in various ways many times on this forum—but I suddenly saw it more clearly as I considered Personal Memory Manager, and what Alexander was saying about the use of multiple tools.

Steve Z.


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