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Posted by MadaboutDana
Oct 21, 2022 at 02:56 PM


OneDrive – yes, good idea, that’s my preferred alternative to Dropbox nowadays (since they decided to create the Biggest Client in the World!), given that I have to use MS-Office anyway for work-related reasons.

Lb wrote:
They’ve done a great job with Obsidian.  I’ve been trying it and some
>other markdown programs for the last few years hoping to be able to
>switch from the programs I’m using now.  I like the MD files being
>easily accessed and manipulated with GREP software and I can do complex
>searches without having to export then import again.
> >I’m moving everything over to Obsidian currently since I got everything
>working that I need.  I use OneDrive and syncing software to easily sync
>it to my Android Devices.  It’s been really dependable whether I input
>data in Windows or Android. 
> >I have the web clipper set up and it does a pretty good job.  I’m
>having to change the way I do things a little but in the long run it’s a
>lot easier.  I also really like that I don’t have to redo my tag system
>every time I import or export notes like I do now.  I’ve been putting
>the tags in body of each note at top under the heading and I can just
>add note files to the Obsidian vault and it pulls them out of the notes
>when I load it up.
> >Really nice so far.  I’m still trying it out and keeping my older system
>but I don’t see me going back.


Posted by MadaboutDana
Oct 21, 2022 at 02:57 PM


Hm, yes, fair point, guv! Like Ulysses, too. I too am moving away from database-based notetakers, so am entirely sympathetic. I’d forgotten Bear uses databases as well!

Dellu wrote:
Hi Bill,
>Yes, i have tried UpNote because I have read your views about it before.
>The thing about it is that, it is really cross-platform. The
>organization tools in it are also brilliant. I like it a lot.
>But,there is one issue that made me to avoid it: it uses internal
>database just like Evernote and Bear. I really don’t want that kind of
>system because I want my notes to be available to Foxtrot.
> >@steve thank you for mentioning FreeFileSync. I am not familiar with it.
>But, it seems similar like MacDropAny or Syncovery which can push
>folders to cloud storages. If it is as free as its name suggests, it
>could be great alternative.


Posted by MadaboutDana
Oct 21, 2022 at 02:57 PM


... all the more reason to switch over to Obsidian once and for all!


Posted by steveylang
Oct 21, 2022 at 04:45 PM


Yes- it is in fact free ;-) (although there is a paid version with more functionality.) I am also going to check out MacDropAny, I haven’t done a lot of 2-way stuff from my iCloud devices to Android yet, I guess I’m afraid of conflicts and that sort of thing. I’m also considering just signing up for Obsidian Sync to make it simple and support the devs. When I first started using Obsidian there was an introductory price of $6/month IIRC, and those that signed up get to keep that price indefinitely. I would do it now in a heartbeat, but at the time was just trying it out.

Another great freebie Mac app for use with Obsidian and general Markdown/text files is MassReplaceIt, a great little utility for doing batch find-and-replace of file names and file contents.

Also, MarkdownServiceTools is handy to have if you ever find yourself needing to convert from MD to rich text, etc. (pretty sure there are Obsidian plugins that can do the same):

Finally some interesting news- the Obsidian Roadmap now has a ‘canvas’ feature planned, which I assume would provide a notecard or Heptabase type interface. A discussion about visual note-taking here:

Okay, one more Obsidian tidbit- the weekly Obsidian roundup newsletter is pretty cool, with updates on new features, new plugins, etc.

Dellu wrote:
Hi Bill,
>Yes, i have tried UpNote because I have read your views about it before.
>The thing about it is that, it is really cross-platform. The
>organization tools in it are also brilliant. I like it a lot.
>But,there is one issue that made me to avoid it: it uses internal
>database just like Evernote and Bear. I really don’t want that kind of
>system because I want my notes to be available to Foxtrot.
> >@steve thank you for mentioning FreeFileSync. I am not familiar with it.
>But, it seems similar like MacDropAny or Syncovery which can push
>folders to cloud storages. If it is as free as its name suggests, it
>could be great alternative.


Posted by steveylang
Oct 21, 2022 at 04:49 PM


I really like UpNote, but the versatility (and file format) of Obsidian won me over. With all the plugins and themes available, its more like a Markdown platform (that is completely open) than just a Markdown PIM app.

MadaboutDana wrote:
... all the more reason to switch over to Obsidian once and for all!


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