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Capacities: a new mega PKIM App

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Posted by Franz Grieser
Sep 7, 2022 at 09:00 PM


From their website:

“Looking for a third co-founder with passion for PKM/TfT and solid skills in marketing, communication, and design (contact us).”

This is THE chance to participate in the development of this promising app. Anyone here?


Posted by MadaboutDana
Sep 8, 2022 at 08:29 AM


It is lovely, but I notice from their roadmap that full-text search isn’t yet a feature (it should be in the near future).

They are in the middle of developing desktop apps, however, and mobile apps are down the road a little.

But an impressive start regardless!



Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Sep 8, 2022 at 11:18 AM


The problem I have with great new apps like Capacities is that they have features I covet, but they also lack features I need (because they are still being developed). By the time those features are implemented, another bright and shiny object has attracted my attention.



Posted by bigspud
Sep 10, 2022 at 09:56 PM


Kinda made me think,
‘what if Devonthink styled like notion’?
I always wondered if Devonthink had the ability to create ‘personas’ for its UI to pare back the power that general, practical useage may not need.

it’s nice to play with, though it’s got a LOT of UX decisions to make still. It’s ‘modal city’. It’s again made me wonder if an app has ever just made a singular interface point for all the contextual modals/dropdowns/toolbar panels.. 

Smithers wrote:

>Just came across https://capacities.io.
> >At first, you’ll think “notion.” Sooo much different.
> >It kind of takes “referencing/re-usable blocks” to a whole new level
>that I haven’t seen elsewhere.
> >“Blocks” are called “content-types”. And content-types are organized
>by… you guessed it: the type of content it is. 
> >“Content-types” can be made (by you), customized, tagged, written in,
>searched for, and referenced in any other “Content-type”.
> >EG:
>- “Quotes” - you can make a content-type called “quotes” that — if
>you click on (after you make it) — will show you all “quotes” that
>are referenced in your database.
>- “Images” - same thing - it shows you all images referenced everywhere.
> >Let’s say you’re writing a page and paste an image below some text. That
>image you just pasted is now in 2 places:
> >1. The page you just pasted it into.
>2. The “Images” content-type pane/section.
> >(And you can go tag that image, write in it, annotate it (planned), and
>stuff like that)
> >It’s like a crazy kind of hybrid between a Digital Asset Manager and a
>Notes/Pkim app!
> >Not my app, but I wish it was.


Posted by satis
Sep 11, 2022 at 02:23 PM


Seems like an interesting app in its early days but any web app which hosts and syncs all user data needs to say more than “Wir setzen auf capacities.io ein Verschlüsselungsverfahren ein” (We use an encryption process on capacities.io.).

Also, I’m not assuaged by the effective buck-passing of “Wir geben deine Daten im Rahmen einer Auftragsverarbeitung gem. Art. 28 DSGVO an Dienstleister weiter….Unsere Dienstleister sind uns gegenüber streng weisungsgebunden und entsprechend vertraglich verpflichtet.” (We pass on your data to service providers as part of order processing in accordance with Article 28 GDPR….Our service providers are strictly bound by our instructions and are contractually bound accordingly.) What kind of security is used with one’s data on a partner’s servers, and exactly what data is passed along? And what realistically happens if their contractually-bound instructions are breached or disregarded?

Because of questions like these, while I might look approvingly at various features in PKIM apps I can’t see myself using any unless I have more control over my data, and less acces for a developer or its partners.


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