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Posted by Ahmed fawzy
Jun 6, 2021 at 12:32 PM


Dear outliners,
I got an M1 MacBook Air -my 2ed Mac after 10 years from my first 2011 Mac mini-
Please I want software recommendations

I am considering

Thank you all


Posted by Luhmann
Jun 6, 2021 at 01:32 PM


It is only possible to recommend apps based on an individuals needs and preferences. However, I recently moved from Evernote to DevonThink and while the process of migrating my notes was very painful (took almost a week), I’m happy with DT and recommend it. But I basically just use it to archive stuff and search for stuff, I don’t much care for it as a note taking app. I think there are a lot of better options out there, though if you use an app that stores notes in external files, DT can index them and search them as well. This is true of Obsidian which you might consider as an alternative to Tinderbox. (I don’t use Obsidian, I use Roam Research, but it doesn’t offer this kind of integration with DT.)


Posted by satis
Jun 6, 2021 at 03:07 PM


Completely agree. When I used DT it became purely a repository for large numbers of files on which I could more easily search and find correspondences. But it was a clunky note-taking app. If you want cross-platform access with iOS it has its iOS app, but the functionality is limited on iOS, which still makes it the one-eyed king compared to Tinderbox (which I find powerful, and nearly impenetrable, and therefore rather useless for my needs).

The only Vellum app I know for Mac is an ebook-creation app.

So I think you probably need to explain what you’re intending to do, and perhaps what made you land on those apps.


Posted by Ahmed fawzy
Jun 6, 2021 at 03:28 PM


Thanks to Luhmann and satis for input,
I am interested in personal information managers, outliners, and books writing and formatting apps.
I know about some Mac software, but I am sure I am missing a lot.
also any special Mac apps -you feel useful for your workflow- is welcomed


Posted by Lothar Scholz
Jun 6, 2021 at 03:42 PM


I just bought Curio 16 yesterday. It’s good when you want to easy organisational information stuff with more text than graphs.

Had to decide between OmniGraffle and Curio, but Omni was more expensive and does look to be more about real diagrams and not for larger textual information display.

Scrivener, Mellel, Nota Bene or Nisus Writer are four writing tools/word processors if you want to get away from MS WORD and Apples Pages.


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