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Workflowy just entered the transclusion game

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Posted by Cyganet
Jan 6, 2021 at 12:41 PM


Forgot to mention: Backlinks and transclusion are not the same.  ConnectedText shows lists of forward links, backlinks and inclusion links (what it includes, and where it is included) as separate lists in the summary pane. 

It doesn’t show “unlinked mentions” but it does have a “like this” list where it lists topics deemed to be similar based on topic content.  It also has an “Auto Link” feature where it scans the text and adds links to topics that match the text.

All this excitement about Roam is good for getting attention for outliners, but in terms of features ConnectedText already has it covered.


Posted by MadaboutDana
Jan 6, 2021 at 03:20 PM


I have to agree – I abandoned ship after completing my evaluation of Dynalist and haven’t looked back.

Dr Andus wrote:
Wow! It took them an entire year to come out with one new feature…
> >I’ve been pretty loyal to WorkFlowy and I keep renewing my subscription,
>but I have increasingly fewer reasons to use it, given what nimbler
>competitors such as Roam and Dynalist have to offer.
> >Maybe the first-mover advantage has worked for them for a while, but
>they are really falling behind feature-wise.
> >Still no tag pane? Come on, seriously…


Posted by nathanb
Jan 6, 2021 at 05:17 PM


Thanks so much for the great reply Pierre!  My apologies for mislabeling your amazing work.

Pierre Paul Landry wrote:
nathanb wrote:
>>InfoQube= Transclusion (Sorry if I got this wrong Pierre)
> >Transclusion is not specific to outlines, but is the action of including
>a document inside another: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transclusion
> >In the context of an outline:
>1- We say an item has multiple parents (because that’s how it is). It
>also makes it clear that it isn’t a “clone”, but the “same” item
>2- All parents are equal except for one which is referred to the main
>parent and is used to show context (in outlines)
>3- Parents are shown in the Properties pane as an inverted tree
>Details here: https://infoqubeim.com/drupal5/?q=node/115
> >Regarding “true” transclusion (re: Wikipedia def.) IQ implements it with
>grids (and other UIs) where:
>1- Items can be shown in multiple grids, and
>2- Each grid is capable of showing a different list of items (sub-set of
>all items in the database)
> >
>IQ Designer


Posted by nathanb
Jan 6, 2021 at 05:20 PM


Agreed, I was excited to try their demo and it’s been a while but Roam has really spoiled me.  Workflowy feels limiting in comparison.

Dr Andus wrote:
Wow! It took them an entire year to come out with one new feature…
> >I’ve been pretty loyal to WorkFlowy and I keep renewing my subscription,
>but I have increasingly fewer reasons to use it, given what nimbler
>competitors such as Roam and Dynalist have to offer.
> >Maybe the first-mover advantage has worked for them for a while, but
>they are really falling behind feature-wise.
> >Still no tag pane? Come on, seriously…


Posted by nathanb
Jan 6, 2021 at 05:26 PM


Agreed, Roam didn’t come up with a new idea.  Just helped popularize it.  I’m so relieved that after all these years transclusion and backlinking are finally considered a necessary feature for PKM software. 

Cyganet wrote:
Forgot to mention: Backlinks and transclusion are not the same.
>ConnectedText shows lists of forward links, backlinks and inclusion
>links (what it includes, and where it is included) as separate lists in
>the summary pane. 
> >It doesn’t show “unlinked mentions” but it does have a “like this” list
>where it lists topics deemed to be similar based on topic content.  It
>also has an “Auto Link” feature where it scans the text and adds links
>to topics that match the text.
> >All this excitement about Roam is good for getting attention for
>outliners, but in terms of features ConnectedText already has it
> >


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