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iPad productivity 10 years later

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Posted by rafael costacurta
Jan 29, 2020 at 05:27 PM


So, it seens that the iPad is turning 10.

what you folks think, is it possible to do serious work on an iPad.

There are serious apps like the Omni Group suite of apps, Devonthink to go, Microsoft office apps, Things and etc…

But having good apps is enought ?

I particularly, tried with an iPad pro and tha hardcover keyboard, but never really felt at home, always had the feeling that something is aways missing.

the only exception seems to be graphic artist that seens to love the combination of iPad pro + pencil more than tha walcon tablets + pcs combination




Posted by rafael costacurta
Jan 29, 2020 at 05:28 PM


Some links to read




Posted by J J Weimer
Jan 29, 2020 at 07:35 PM


A few years ago, in productivity terms, I used my first iPad rather than my iPhone for:

* Reading Books or PDF files for work-related projects

In the meantime, some apps have stepped up their game on the iPad, and we have a real stylus input. Now, I use my iPad Pro and Apple Pencil 2 for:

* Carrying out routine administration of my tasks in OmniFocus (my iPhone is solely for reference and my MBP is for heavy-lifting)
* Drawing illustrations during lecture demonstrations: iPad + (ZoomNotes, GoodNotes, ...) + AirServer
* Taking hand-written meeting notes.
* Annotating (hand markup and notes) selections of PDF reports.

In summary: The starting mantra was, “You do not need anything but your fingers.” When this mantra was finally broken in a good way, the iPad became a true productivity tool for me.


Posted by Jeffery Smith
Jan 30, 2020 at 02:20 AM


I can live with just the iPad, but can’t work with it solely. I used a Brydge keyboard with it, and what annoyed me most is that when I went back to using a Macbook, I couldn’t get out of touch-screen mode.

There are some serious apps (Omnniplan, Scrivener) and it is the only way to go in meetings because opening up a laptop on the conference room desk is just plain rude. Writing on the iPad with the Apple Pencil feels awful, but the matte screen coverings give it a more paperlike texture.


Posted by Hugh
Jan 30, 2020 at 01:52 PM


I like the iPad Pro. I too use a Brydge keyboard with it, and I use the Apple Pencil for annotating PDFs and for handwriting (which I then turn into text). I like the convenience of the Pro, its responsiveness, its relatively long battery-life and - paradoxically perhaps - its refusal to distract me by allowing me to launch numerous applications.

I do also use a Mac Mini with greater storage than the Pro, as a kind of “basecamp” (no pun intended), and I employ it for tasks, such as dictation, for which the Pro isn’t ideal. Additionally, I have a nine-year-old Mac laptop, but when that dies I intend to rely on the Pro for working when I’m away from base (and possibly even when I’m not). I’m also looking forward to the forecast new keyboards for the Pro which are said to include trackpads; an unnecessary addition, some may probably think, but for me a useful enhancement of the Pro’s versatility.


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