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Sort of a poll: What is your favorite task manager/to do app?

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Posted by steve-rogers
Jan 9, 2019 at 04:09 PM


Thanks, Bill. I own Findings and have played around with it a bit, but not really committed to using it for long enough to tell if it will work for me. Findings does have some very nice features and that team writes quality software. It’s a good suggestion and I will give it an earnest try soon.


Posted by Ken
Jan 9, 2019 at 04:19 PM


Funny you should ask as I have been feeling that my current line-up has been getting a bit stale.  I am not sure why I grow old of apps (and their weaknesses) as I used Ecco for over 15 years and loved almost every minute of it, but times change and that is the environment in which I live and work these days.  My current line-up is MLO at work on my PC and Todoist for personal tasks on the web and my android phone.  I also use Remember the Milk and Trello for a few specific uses.

I would like to spend some time learning IQ and Hyperplan as I find them to be interesting tools that are well supported by their authors, but am having difficulty finding extra time to devote to them right now.  One program that I would reconsider if they could clean up a handful of UI gaffs is Asana.  I do not suspect they will as the issues have been around for years now, and they have shown no interest in listening to their customer base.  Also, I would be especially grateful if MLO had a UI upgrade.  It is quite powerful and actually does most of what I need.  But any time I need to change something require hours of reading and experimentation.  Redbooth and Wrike were alternate candidates that I considered, but neither made it as a replacement.

Good luck in your search,



Posted by washere
Jan 9, 2019 at 04:42 PM


Google “Keep”
(G calendar, G sheet, gmail, G drive, G Docs, GSuite, etc),


Microsoft “To-do”
(OneDrive,  excel & word & office online, outlook-calendar, etc),

that is the question. The dark sides, the First Order vs the old Empire. Is Dropbox the resistance or the next order, is resistance futile? Who knows.


Posted by Paul Korm
Jan 9, 2019 at 07:52 PM


I’m going to flog DropTask again in this respect.  (DT doesn’t get the love it deserves LOL).  DT is more of an integration than a single app.  The app and website (same thing) integrate various task views, sync with Evernote, and sync with Google calendar—not to mention export to iMindMap (optional).  So notes created and maintained in Evernote can when given a particular tag be picked up by DropTask, when they can be associated with tasks, and if the task is scheduled with start and/or due dates, the task is picked up by the associated Google calendar.  (And because OmniFocus can display the calendar events in the Forecast perspective, there is a second-level integration going on there.)

For me, this sort of intentional integration using the APIs of several good apps is a lot more robust than a single-app task manager or task manager + note taker, etc.

Stephen Zeoli wrote:
>Some task managers have notes which can hold tasks (i.e. Agenda). Most
>have notes associated with tasks, but the notes in these cases are
>treated as meta data for the task, not as separate entities.


Posted by Jeffery Smith
Jan 9, 2019 at 11:39 PM


Aquaminds 4.0 (beta). It seems to be in the last stages of beta testing, and it performs without a hitch. I don’t t know about how it differs from 3.0 because betas usually have no help screens (so I still use the 3.0 documentation). The interface looks the same so far, though some sort of tweak in December seemed to give it a somewhat cleaner overall look.

Paul Korm wrote:
Which Notetaker?  Aquaminds?  Google?
> >Jeffery Smith wrote:
> I think where I will
>>eventually end up is in Notetaker, with one outline being my task list.
>>If Notetaker is always open on my Mac, it is less of an ordeal to check


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