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ultrawide monitors?

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Posted by Ken
May 18, 2018 at 02:31 AM


Dellu wrote:

Maybe it’s just my work style, but I take exception to a lot of what was said in that article.  As I stated, I have a central monitor in front of me, and a second immediately adjacent to it at the same height and distance.  My main panel is used for the work at hand, and the second panel is used to provide support documentation that I can see at a glance and can change quickly and easily as needed (and ignore when not needed).  Should you try this setup on a single monitor, I would suspect that you would need to place the key item in the center, and this would leave you with two smaller “gutters” to work with for other documents (one on each side of the main window).  I am just not sure how this would be a better arrangement if you need to be able to pull information from one document/window to another.  I guess in my mind this is not multi-tasking, as the author believes, but rather allowing me to quickly access data for the project that I am working on at the time.  I am sure that others can make compelling arguments for their arrangements, and I would then have to say that people should go with what makes sense to their style of work, but let’s try not to generalize as the author seems to have done.

Good luck,



Posted by Dellu
May 18, 2018 at 01:32 PM


Ken wrote:
Dellu wrote:
> >Maybe it’s just my work style, but I take exception to a lot of what was
>said in that article.  As I stated, I have a central monitor in front of
>me, and a second immediately adjacent to it at the same height and
>distance.  My main panel is used for the work at hand, and the second
>panel is used to provide support documentation that I can see at a
>glance and can change quickly and easily as needed (and ignore when not
>needed).  Should you try this setup on a single monitor, I would suspect
>that you would need to place the key item in the center, and this would
>leave you with two smaller “gutters” to work with for other documents
>(one on each side of the main window).  I am just not sure how this
>would be a better arrangement if you need to be able to pull information
>from one document/window to another.  I guess in my mind this is not
>multi-tasking, as the author believes, but rather allowing me to quickly
>access data for the project that I am working on at the time.  I am sure
>that others can make compelling arguments for their arrangements, and I
>would then have to say that people should go with what makes sense to
>their style of work, but let’s try not to generalize as the author seems
>to have done.
> >Good luck,
> >—Ken

I understand your current setup is like this: http://take.ms/vjk2Bg —3 windows with 2 monitors.
You use the smaller screen to keep your reference file.

The alternative I have been thinking is like this: http://take.ms/AACWe.—3 windows with 1 monitor.

Your setup is definitely cheaper. But, my worry is, since I am going to read often in that second monitor, it could challenge my posture, as Satis mentioned. I agree that is great setup of you use it just as reference window. my purpose is to make all the 3 windows equally active.

What do you think of the single monitor setup?


Posted by Dellu
May 18, 2018 at 01:42 PM


This is my current setup by the way: http://take.ms/5acy3

I was thinking to change my display just that I could open 3 windows side by side (I have 2 right now). There is no gutter or gap: Moom manages the windows really great in the mac. There is no issue on the software side.


Posted by Dellu
May 18, 2018 at 01:46 PM


sorry this one: http://take.ms/WZiu2


Posted by satis
May 18, 2018 at 02:15 PM


A couple of years ago I bit the bullet and decided to try using spaces on my 27” iMac and it completely changed the way I use it, and I feel no need for a 2nd monitor, even though I’ve had an unused 25” Dell sitting around for a year. (Plus I’m spoiled by the Retina display, and putting other monitors next to it is slightly painful.)

For writing I’ll usually have an outliner open side by side with a writing document (that has tabs) in my main space. My shoebox app. EagleFiler, has its own space (Messages opens in that space too), and file utilities (eg Console, Terminal, Activity Monitor, Forklift) have their own space as well. My video player apps all open exclusively in another space, and I have a space for audio editing and music apps. Browsers and most other apps can float through all spaces.

I’m so happy using spaces I am considering supercharging them with https://totalspaces.binaryage.com/ but I’m waiting a bit because to make sure it’ll be supported in the next version of macOS.


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