ConnectedText 3
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Posted by Eduardo Mauro
Mar 17, 2008 at 02:30 PM
I am the developer of ConnectedText and I follow silently the messages posted about CT in the forum. I hesitated before posting this message since I don’t want to use such space to promote my product. I just want to clarify one point about product registration. CT uses the same method as any other shareware product. After the purchase an activation code is sent. That’s all. We changed the way CT is registered one year ago in response to the feedback of our users. If anyone has questions about it I would be glad to answer. You can send it using the contact page at our site.
Best regards,
Eduardo Mauro
Posted by JohnK
Mar 19, 2008 at 07:16 PM
I finally succumbed to Manfred’s gentle persuasion and tried CT. I was so impressed I registered it within a few days.
In doing so, I broke my self-imposed rule of never, ever registering shareware based on a single-machine licence. In an age when most of us use two or three machines on a daily basis (I use three), single-machine licences are clumsy and confusing to manage. Every time I add a new computer to my collection, I don’t want to worry about whether I need new licences for my software.
So why did I break my rule? Well, CT is very promising, and I want to use it for an extended period in a serious test. And I figure I’ll only be using it on one machine, so I can live with it for now.
But that doesn’t mean I’m happy with the licence terms. Far from it. So Eduardo, thanks for posting here, and please re-consider your licence terms. A slightly higher price for a single-user licence would, I feel sure, be preferable for most potential customers.
To everyone else who objects to single-machine licences—don’t just accept them. Explain to the developers that adopting single-user licences would be a benefit.
I don’t think I’ve mentioned it here, but I started a thread on this subject over at DonationCoder ( In the course of that thread I mentioned that I had suggested to the author of PageFour ( that he should consider changing to a single-user licence. He agreed, and changed the licence on the next version. I bought it immediately the licence changed. So it’s always worth raising the subject.
Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Mar 19, 2008 at 07:44 PM
JohnK wrote:
>To everyone else who objects to single-machine licences—
>don’t just accept them. Explain to the developers that adopting single-user
>licences would be a benefit.
John (and Eduardo),
I agree entirely. The single-machine license is very out of date. I too use three machines on a regular basis and I don’t want to go through the hassle of licensing a copy of each machine.
Steve Z.