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Wiki tool for Windows and Mac?

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Posted by MadaboutDana
Jan 31, 2014 at 04:32 PM


Worth reminding those who are hesitating over TiddlyWiki that the great TWEdit (under iOS) is available for editing TiddlyWiki files exchanged via Dropbox. The app has really matured and is now stable and reliable (in my experience, at least). After the disappointment of the excellent but erratic AsNoted (based on underlying TiddlyWiki tech), I’ve moved back to TWEdit on my iPad.

TWEdit is newly TiddlyWiki 5-compatible, too (as from Dec 2013).



Posted by Prion
Jan 31, 2014 at 07:26 PM


It may be worth noting that one of the side effects of using a single html file (even though it definitely does not feel like one) there need not be explicit support for Dropbox and the like. Anywhere you can save to and open from will work, MS Skydrive, Dropbox, Telekom cloud space, owncloud, anything seems to work just fine.
I am using TWedit on the iPad, too, great piece of software. I would not mind not having to remember to upload the file after saving it on the iPad but that is a minor nuisance.


Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Jan 31, 2014 at 10:00 PM


Prion wrote:
>I am only a casual user because I have invested in a different system
>but I am considering switching towards TW5.

May I ask what that other system is and what are the advantages you see in the new Tiddlywiki?


Posted by Franz Grieser
Jan 31, 2014 at 10:26 PM


I was going to ask the same question.

TW looks good. But I am constantly perplexed by the sudden changes on my screen as soon as I click a link in a TiddlyWiki file.
And here, again, we have the distinction between Edit and View mode. I still do not get why we need that. I stopped using something like TeX decades ago. I am a writer, I am always in Create and Edit mode. I do not need a view mode (we have PDF or printed pages for that - and even these can be “edited”).



Posted by Prion
Jan 31, 2014 at 10:33 PM


Alexander Deliyannis wrote:

>May I ask what that other system is and what are the advantages you see
>in the new Tiddlywiki?
> You mean, beyond dragging me away from that looming deadline?

That other system is Mac-centric (Devonthink Pro, the Wiki part is represented by Voodoopad, also some Tinderbox and nvALT). Each of these programs has got its strengths but what slows me down is the fragmentation of my information but I am used to it and know where and when it needs some help.
I do not have enough experience with TiddlyWiki to be confident that it would at least take over the Wiki part. It is open source and when I had questions in the past I was usually put on the right track within hours by some helpful souls on the TW forum.
I really like the fact that I can see the Wiki syntax and do not have to trust some binary black box. Voodoopad usually works well and the Dropbox sync is almost foolproof. Due to the absence of RTF editing under iOS, the VP iPad app is more a viewer, though,and will happily destroy information if one attempts to edit anything (this is but one example of the limitations of the black box).
Markdown is present but rendered so ugly to be unusable (to me).
Tiddlywiki on the other hand may be less well integrated into the Mac OS but on the flip side is also much less dependent on it. TWedit provides a fully fledged editing solution on the iPad and some functionality such as the ability to display incoming and outgoing links for example can be easily added to Tiddlywiki but not in Voodoopad (only Backlinks and only separated from the note itself in the inspector).
Does that answer your question?


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