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Outline 4D (formerly known as Storyview 2.0)

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Posted by Dr Andus
Nov 24, 2012 at 12:05 AM


MenAgerie wrote:
>I succumbed to O4D - I found the process of getting my thoughts down
>really smooth - it all just clicked and I turned a pile of shapeless
>notes into a lecture in an hour.

Glad you liked it. O4D continues to be one of my favourites.

>I had a go at them all [except Notemap, I could not
>even find how to download it on their website - very unwelcoming place].

In case you’re still interested, you can download it from here, after filling out their form (with any old nonsense:)

I never bothered phoning them up to find out how much it costs. However, it’s a very good-looking software. I hope somebody creates something similar one day…


Posted by Dr Andus
Dec 27, 2012 at 05:21 PM


Dr Andus wrote:
>>I see that Outline 4D is on sale at USD75.00 on the Write Bros
>>website: http://www.screenplay.com/p-77-outline-4d.aspx
> >Actually the download-only price is USD65.00.

And now the price has jumped back up to USD89.95. Hm, interesting pricing strategy… It looks like they’re fairly confident in their ageing product then. I thought the price started on a downward slope, but I was wrong.

BTW, it’s also available for USD79.00 at http://bit.ly/TrRxlJ But that’s still quite pricey for a piece of software that hasn’t been updated for many years. Having said that, I do love it and it is a very unique software.


Posted by Listerene
Dec 28, 2012 at 05:11 PM


I finally got tired of their lack of updates and the UAC thing—having to compromise security because they’re too lazy to update their now hugely overpriced and archaic product was more than upsetting to me—so I switched to UV. I was always a big fan of Grandview and UV is the closest I’ve found. While there are some features UV misses, it makes up for them with the added security and ease of use PLUS there are various ways to simulate 4D’s features in UV.

All in all, I’ll take a freeware program that is continually updated to an overpriced relic published by a slothful company disrespectful of their users; any day. I hope others will too, as an encouragement to said slothful, disrespectful company to be less so.


Posted by Dr Andus
Dec 28, 2012 at 06:06 PM


Listerene wrote:
I finally got tired of their lack of updates and the UAC thing—having
>to compromise security because they’re too lazy to update their now
>hugely overpriced and archaic product was more than upsetting to me—
>so I switched to UV. I was always a big fan of Grandview and UV is the
>closest I’ve found.

>All in all, I’ll take a freeware program that is continually updated to
>an overpriced relic published by a slothful company disrespectful of
>their users; any day. I hope others will too, as an encouragement to
>said slothful, disrespectful company to be less so.

I generally agree with the factual points you make, except I don’t share the emotions, partly because I didn’t pay the full price, partly because I just accept it as a fact that software age and get abandoned (on the plus side no more future costs :), and partly because I do enjoy using O4D for some of its unique features.

>PLUS there are various ways to simulate 4D’s features in UV.

Which features are you referring to and how do you simulate them?

At the moment I’m using O4D for the following features (besides it being a single-pane outliner with inline notes):
- ability to have individual formatting according to hierarchy level both for text and background colour;
- ability to hold long inline notes;
- ability to format (especially highlight in yellow) text in inline notes;
- ability to toggle between 1) items & notes view, 2) items (titles) only, 3) notes only or 4) create custom views for each item;
- ability to use Level Selector to view selected level(s) of the hierarchy;
- ability to select individual hierarchy levels to export as RTF.

At the moment I don’t use the Timeline view and plotline tracking features but those are pretty unique as well and I hope to use them in the future.


Posted by Dr Andus
Dec 28, 2012 at 06:08 PM


P.S. I forget to mention the “Tile vertically” feature, which allows me to view three O4D outlines side-by-side comfortably on a 22in monitor.


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