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Is there an outline program that allows tagging text with different layers?

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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Feb 1, 2013 at 07:03 PM


Alexander Deliyannis wrote:
>Tall Guy, if I understand well your post, you are indeed talking of
>overlapping ‘layers’ on a plane and not of hierarchical ‘levels’ in an
>outline. If this is a case, I can’t think of any such software of the
>kind discussed here, though it is a common feature in design programs as
>you mentioned, but also GIS (Geographic Information Systems).

I’m coming back to this topic because I just found how to do the above (while realising that this was not what Tall Guy wanted to do). VUE can organise its objects in separate layers, more or less like Photoshop, and you can then ‘hide unselected layers’ from the layer control box. It seems extremely handy for building complex diagrams and then showing them section by section; a sort of 2-D ‘hoist’.


Posted by Dr Andus
Feb 1, 2013 at 09:48 PM


Tall Guy wrote:
Thanks for your help.  This is intended to help create an outline for
>law school classes.  I need to organize class notes, case briefs, notes
>from the text book, etc.  However, at the end of the semester this ends
>up to be about a 200 page outline to study with.  The exams are open
>notes, however a 200 page outline won’t help.  So it would be nice to
>tag the important stuff throughout the semester, so that with a few
>mouse clicks I can shrink the outline down to a 30-40 page outline while
>keeping the same structure and headings of the 200 page outline. 

Having looked at this again (and having been obsessed with Outline 4D recently), I believe that this can be achieved in O4D in multiple ways and very easily. You can reduce a 200-p. outline to a 30-p. outline with a single click) by 1) constructing a custom view and turning it on or off with the “Custom visibility (Ctrl+Shift+7)” button, or 2) using the “Level Selector” and only viewing the levels you want to see. Both versions can be printed or exported as RTF.


Posted by Dr Andus
Feb 1, 2013 at 10:25 PM


Tall Guy wrote:
I would like to find an outline program that allows me to associate text
>with different layers.  Then if I want to format a particular layer of
>text with a certain attribute (say a color, size, or even delete it)
>then I can simply modify the entire layer all at once, while leaving the
>other layers as they are.

Again, this is exactly what Outline 4D excels at. You can format each hierarchical level (which is meant by “layer” here) as required, all at once. You can also remove entire levels by unselecting them in the Level Selector, and they will no longer appear in the outline.


Posted by Dr Andus
Feb 1, 2013 at 10:36 PM


Dr Andus wrote:
Tall Guy wrote:
> or even delete it

And while I’m at it, yes, in O4D you can even delete selected levels of a hierarchy with their content, all in one go.

Go to Tools > Document Settings > Event Hierarchies, select level to be deleted, and hit Delete.


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