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Zoot 6 - the solution ?

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Posted by Zman
Aug 11, 2011 at 03:44 AM


Three things that I find Zoot fantastic for are:

1. Archiving Outlook email - I am on a corporate exchange server with limited storage space (abount 400MB), so once or twice a month I need to archive or I can’t send or receive email on that account. With Zoot, I can synch email from any folders I choose and then archive to Outlook. this gives me a second backup in case the .pst files crash (has happend to me before), and it also gives me an extremely rich search capability where I can dump all the email into one place and then sort it on the fly with smart folders.

2. The Safe - this is a great tool for saving account passwords (used to do this in Evernote before it went totally into the cloud - still use Evernote, but not for that purpose. BTW - export from Evernote to Zoot works pretty well.

3. Feeds - coupled with smart folders, this is the best Feed consolidator I’ve ever used.

I still haven’t figured out how to use the Outliner in Zoot…


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