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Posted by WSP
Jan 15, 2012 at 02:12 AM


Yes, I’ve noticed that Notebooks still lacks some functions that I would consider essential. Still, it looks promising.

But I’m not really looking for a full-scale outliner on the iPad; I’d just like to find a reliable note-taker capable of producing files that can be exchanged with my computer, where I would be presumably be using a more sophisticated program.

Incidentally, I haven’t had the problems you describe in moving text files back and forth between Notebooks and UltraEdit.


Posted by Dr Andus
Jan 15, 2012 at 03:57 AM


WSP wrote:
>Incidentally, I haven’t had the problems you
>describe in moving text files back and forth between Notebooks and UltraEdit.

I think this only happens if you enable the sync between iPod and iPad (which I need). Then it includes some additional files in Dropbox. Though I also don’t understand why the paragraph breaks and line breaks vanish…


Posted by MadaboutDana
Jan 15, 2012 at 11:02 AM


Sorry, very heads-down at the moment, hence zero contributions! Notebooks is indeed extremely powerful and increasingly stable - I’ve taken to storing all sorts of stuff in it.

Just spotted Dr. Andus’s query about exporting multiple notes from Notebooks:

Yes, there is indeed a way to combine multiple notes in a single document, by tapping on the title of a notebook and then tapping the ‘Combine Notes’ option. I confess I’ve never tried it (it’s not something I’ve ever needed to do), but I’d suggest creating a test notebook or two plus a few test notes and seeing what happens if you do “combine” them. And/or, of course, consulting Alfons’s comprehensive help files (also on his website).



Posted by MadaboutDana
Jan 15, 2012 at 11:08 AM


An excellent editor/outliner for exchanging data between iPad and computer is WriteUp. The developer is very responsive, it’s got some very impressive features (notably a powerful search function and versioning), and it also supports Markdown (if that’s of interest). But all the files are text files, and it synchronises fast and easily through Dropbox. I use it in conjunction with MarkdownPad on Windows - it’s a great way of shunting large amounts of data between iPad and Windows (or Mac, for that matter) very quickly and easily.



Posted by Dr Andus
Jan 16, 2012 at 02:48 PM


MadaboutDana wrote:
>Yes, there is indeed a way to combine multiple notes in a single
>document, by tapping on the title of a notebook and then tapping the ‘Combine Notes’
>option. I confess I’ve never tried it (it’s not something I’ve ever needed to do), but
>I’d suggest creating a test notebook or two plus a few test notes and seeing what
>happens if you do “combine” them. And/or, of course, consulting Alfons’s
>comprehensive help files (also on his website).

The “Combine Notes” feature in Notebooks for iPad works very well. However, it only combines the notes within a given “book,” i.e. within a given folder or hierarchy level. This is OK for merging notes. However, in my view what would be really great is if one could merge all the books (folders or hierarchy levels) and all the notes into a single document, just like Scrivener or Whizfolders do. That would transform Notebooks for iPad from a note-taking software into a powerful writing software. You could literally write an entire book on it while on the go. It would be also great for research as notes and data could be preserved within their original place in the overall hierarchy. Unfortunately not enough people seem to be requesting this feature. But as a Scrivener/Whizfolders user, to me the benefits of this are very clear.


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