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Software Feature Matrix

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Posted by Eduardo Mauro
Apr 23, 2010 at 02:20 PM


I would like to suggest the creation of a feature matrix. It would make possible to compare all programs that are mentioned here. I am sure it would help people to choose the most appropriate one for its needs or find hidden gems. As an example, take a look at http://www.wikimatrix.org. I don’t know what such matrix should contain. There are people much more skilled here that knows many of the mentioned programs. I offer to compile the results.

Eduardo Mauro


Posted by Franz Grieser
Apr 23, 2010 at 02:54 PM


Nice idea, Mauro.

As the programs discussed here fall into different categories, I think it would be best to create a matrix for each of these categories (after all it does not make much sense to compare an outliner such as Notemap to a writing environment such as ConnectedText or to an info collection tool such as UltraRecall).

So, I suggest we first settle on the categories we want to cover. My suggestions:

- Outliners (such as Notemap, Omnioutliner, ...)
- Writing environments (such as ConnectedText, Scrivener, ...)
- Information collection software (such as UltraRecall, Devonthink, ...)
- Personal information managers (=info collection combined with calendar and maybe even e-mail)

Anything else?



Posted by Eduardo Mauro
Apr 23, 2010 at 03:03 PM


Franz, I agree with you.

Perhaps the categories you mention could be the main categories in a Feature Matrix. Some programs may fall in more than one category. For instance, ConnectedText and UltraRecall (correct me if I am wrong) both have an Outline tool. Also, there are some features that belong to all classes of programs discussed here. For instance: OS version, Interface, Import/Export formats, WYSIWYG Editor, Last version (release date), Being developed, URL, etc. In my opinion the matrix should not be exhaustive. Should only contain the features that people think are most important.

Best regards,
Eduardo Mauro


Posted by Lucas
Apr 23, 2010 at 03:53 PM


Dear Eduardo et al,

I think the feature matrix is an excellent idea.

Regarding categories: I think it would be useful to group features together into categories (as is done with wikimatrix), but I think it should still be possible to compare software in a unified matrix (rather than creating separate matrices). Many applications defy neat categorical distinction, and the matrix should make it easier for people to identify hybrid apps that combine the features they happen to be looking for.

For reference, we already have Peirre’s outliner list:


As well as the brainstorming done recently with Google Wave:


As well as lots of other stuff in the archives here.

Thanks, Eduardo, for offering to compile results. Should we just start listing the features we think should be included in the matrix?



Posted by Eduardo Mauro
Apr 23, 2010 at 05:15 PM


>Thanks, Eduardo, for offering to compile
>results. Should we just start listing the features we think should be included in the

I do think so. We can start simple and add more items later on. I will prepare as a Google document so everyone can see it. What do you think?

Best regards,
Eduardo Mauro


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