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Muse- An end, and a beginning

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Posted by steveylang
Aug 29, 2023 at 08:38 PM


There are some significant changes in the company that develops Muse. Most of the team is leaving the company as they were not quite able to achieve business sustainability, but one of the developers will be taking over and continuing work on the application. I rather enjoy the app (most notably the concept of nested boards) as well as their podcast, and hope that Muse is able to survive and move forward.


August 2023
a letter from the departing leader

Dear thoughtful people,

I’ve been working on Muse for four years. In that time our team has built a one-of-a-kind thinking tool and the world’s first large-scale local-first sync system. We’ve published over 100 hours of podcast discussions about technology, design, and philosophy. And we’ve grown a brand and a community that are very special. I’m proud to have helped create all this.

Today we’re sharing some difficult news: despite all of the above, we did not manage to make Muse into a sustainable business. Therefore I and most of the team are departing. My longtime colleague Adam Wulf will continue to develop Muse as a solo entrepreneur.

A silver lining for current customers is that Wulf will be getting back to basics and refocusing development work on the needs of individuals. Read his letter about what’s ahead for Muse below.

But let me also try to explain the hard truth here about why the current arrangement wasn’t working…


Posted by Dormouse
Aug 29, 2023 at 10:10 PM


So the investment-backed startup element (for teams) didn’t hit profit or sustainability. But the bootstrapped element for for individuals might - with only one developer.

Heptabase is also local first with nested boards.


Posted by satis
Aug 29, 2023 at 11:26 PM


Muse was released almost exactly four years ago.

Interestingly enough, co-founder and partner Adam Wiggins is one of the listed investors in Anytype in its latest funding round earlier this month.

Newly promoted CEO Wulf wrote on Mastodon, “Soon we’ll be announcing Muse 3, a major update with collaboration, multiple workspaces, and so much more. Today’s a big change that brings new life to Muse. Come join our community and be a part of the conversation.” He posted a link to their Discord invite:



Posted by steveylang
Aug 29, 2023 at 11:36 PM


Dormouse wrote:

>Heptabase is also local first with nested boards.

Thanks, I’ve played around a bit with that but use Obsidian for all my text-based work. I am considering Defter Notes for my iPad (I wish there was a demo available), but will stick with Muse for now. I am pretty used to Muse and really like the interface.


Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Aug 30, 2023 at 12:23 PM


Muse is an attractive application. I couldn’t really use it because I need an app that is available to me on my Windows PC at work. I suspect that being Mac/Apple only hurt Muse in a market where so many competing apps run on browsers and are available ubiquitously. That is too bad.



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