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Posted by JJSlote
Mar 20, 2011 at 11:49 AM


Cassius wrote:
>I have to ask why you’ve stopped using myBase and what, if
>anything, you’ve replaced it with. 

Actually, dragging out myBase 5.5, it does seem to match TreeProjects in the features discussed, with just a bit less sophistication in the multi-edit window management. And with compensating virtues such as a scriptable DLL and one document output. So I’d have no good reason to switch.

I’ve moved (through Scrivener and Citavi) on to Piggydb. Total satisfaction at last, on about my twelfth primary outliner/organizer since ‘06. What the three since myBase seem to have in common is the ability to click multiple items into a single scrolling window for reference, while editing in another window. And that live spell checker. Piggy is ideal in part because Firefox affords, through add-ons, complete customization of the style sheet and the layout. Plus your browser and your writing tool aren’t perpetually contending for screen priority. And it really seems more productive not to pluck through a tree to pull up the items you want, but to get to them through recently viewed items, their parents and their siblings.
