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Scrivener Windows Beta - makes we want alternatives

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Posted by Dr Andus
Mar 12, 2011 at 08:20 PM


JohnK wrote:
>Full-screen mode in Writemonkey does block out the whole screen. That was the
>developer’s main purpose in creating Writemonkey (it is more or less a clone of
>Writeroom - http://www.hogbaysoftware.com/products/writeroom

It’s a very minor point but I was referring to the actual size of the writing area, vs. the rest of the screen. So if you have a wide-screen monitor, with Scrivener you can just create a white e.g. A4 size (in portrait) writing area, with the rest of the screen blocked out in black. As far as I know, Writemonkey can’t do that. The entire wide-screen would be the same colour as the writing area. I just find that that Scrivener feature helps me focus on the page and the writing (and reduces glare from a massive white screen - I know you can choose other background colours in Writemonkey, but I like white).