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Evernote2 replacement

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Posted by Hugh
Jul 15, 2010 at 05:17 PM


Several for the Mac (can’t help with Windows): Yep 2, Leap 2, Eaglefiler, Together 2, and DevonThink Pro, plus some smaller applications such as the useful Shovebox and Notational Velocity, off the top of my head. Many of these have adopted the OpenMeta standard for tags, which enables transferable tagging. Not certain about Circus Ponies Notebook and Aquaminds NoteTaker, but I think they use keywords or tags too. It could be argued that Tinderbox is the Mac keyword-notetaker le plus ultra, but of course it does many other things as well. Scrivener has a keyword function.

There’s a question-mark over Apple’s willingness to allow OpenMeta to endure, because it uses an unapproved part of the file-attribute system, but DevonThink’s adoption of it may make it less easily expungeable. If it were to spread as a standard, become “official” and be developed further, it could become another reason to value Mac OS X over Windows.

But I agree with others: I liked Evernote Original’s toilet-roll-like note system and its keyword intersections.