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InfoQube versus UltraRecall versus Zoot 6

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Posted by Derek Cornish
Feb 11, 2010 at 09:56 PM



>I think my first choice after Zoot might be MyInfo. I like its clean interface. The developers are responsive and continue to improve >it. The biggest issue, for me, will be how easily I can import my Zoot data into MyInfo, which has so far had a less-than-
>satisfactory import function.

After my initial encounter with Zoot 6 beta I started looking around for some alternatives, but nothing has so far tickled my fancy, although I am going to plunge into ConnectedText, which I recently upgraded. Also, as the Zoot beta now has rtf, a lot of my other CRIMPing excuses - e.g., looking for some program to draft with, etc. - have been rather knocked on the head. For example, Zoot’s new rtf editor, together with its longstanding capability of opening multiple windows, gives it the ability to become almost as attractively confusing as WhizFolders - unless, that is, Tom is able to design some sort of Scrivener-like corkboard to hold them in.

MyInfo is another casualty of Zoot beta’s rft editor;  it IS an attractive program, but I can never come up with a really good reason to use it. I once thought that the more expensive version’s “.HEAD” import feature might enable me to export Grandview outlines to it, but that never did work properly for me because of the peculiar way I use GV. There is a lot, however, to be said for its simplicity - or at least seeming simplicity. The problem is that I can’t think of a place for it in my workflow.

OT: By the way, I wish web forum software could thread conversations properly in the way the old compuserve forums did. The “@” convention to mark answers to individuals goes some way towards this, but can result in long posts. OTOH, if one answers each post individually, the “thread” often gets swamped by successive posts from the same individual.

(Not a criticism of our forum, I hasten to add; it’s just the nature of the available s/w.)
