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Posted by Hugh
Jan 30, 2010 at 02:42 PM


Someone on the Scrivener forum - it might have been you Franz, or possibly AmberV, I can’t remember - wrote that it is more of a consumer’s toy than a producer’s tool. That description makes sense to me.

However… that goes for iPad1. What about iPad2 or iPad3, which I can imagine will have enhanced capabilities such as multi-tasking, Flash and perhaps a camera? And the youngsters who meanwhile are bought it as a toy but then want to use it in class and later at work?

Barring disasters such as easily-crackable screens or exploding batteries - neither of which I expect from Apple - it will be interesting to see which small OS X developers will be the first to start to scale up their operations Evernote-wise to produce stripped-down versions of their software for the platform, in order to satisfy a demand which I think is likely to come.