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UltraRecall on BDJ - Jan/28/2009

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Posted by dg
Jan 31, 2009 at 07:13 PM


Perhaps I didn’t explain myself well, but the gratuitous slap about “maybe if you tried one such program in your hard-to-find free time, maybe you?d find out how much more free time you?d have after that..” was off base. You don’t know me and you don’t know my situation…

I look to the experience of other users before I buy almost anything that requires a significant dollar or time investment. For example, I wouldn’t buy a car, major appliance, expensive stereo or TV, etc., before looking into the experience other’s were having with that brand/model/whatever. I do the same before trying new software that could require a lot of time…examples where I took care before I invested time adopting a new piece of software include every version of Windows from v3.0 through Win 7 beta…every version of MS Office from DOS based MS Word thru Office 2007, etc., etc. It’s not the only factor in my decision, but it is a factor. 

I was looking for examples of other’s specific experience with UR that might parrallel what I would use if for before starting to use it. Without that kind of insight, I chose not to try, but rather to move on. Particularly when the online tutorials spoke of developing custom templates, etc., I wanted to know how others used the tool and their experience in adopting it to their needs. As an engineer for NASA I get to use a *lot* of software and trying out yet one more piece of software is definitely not something I feel like doing without some indication the attempt is worthwhile.

A single customer…a small decision…an insignificant influence on the fortunes of that company or it’s software. But perhaps useful insight to a developer on how to convince potential users to use your software. Just trying to add to the community about what matters by explaining one of the things that matters to me.