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email support - no answer

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Posted by Victoria Miller
Oct 3, 2006 at 05:23 PM


Hi Folks,
I just wanted to assure you that we are here and we are listening.  I hate finding out on this site that people aren’t able to get through to us - especially from people who have been in contact with us in the past.  I know that there are probably a lot of you out there who have dealt with software vendors who don’t answer their support requests, care what their customers think, etc., but we are not one of them. Those of you who communicate with us regularly know that we care very much about helping people use our software and about what you think about it.

In general, our support email systems seem to be fairly reliable based on the volume of mail we DO receive. However, there does appear to be a connectivity problem between our mail host and gmx.net which we are trying to understand and remedy. As a general note, however, it is incredibly difficult for a small company maintaining its servers in a hosted environment to run a 100% guaranteed delivery email system, and even if we could, it does not guarantee re-delivery of the response back to the originator. The worldwide systems to block spam are basically ensuring that legitimate messages have an unacceptably low chance of being received, while doing little to actually stop spam.

If anyone who is having trouble contacting us would please conclude, first, that maybe we didn’t receive your email, rather than that we are purposely ignoring you, we would very much appreciate it. In the meantime, we have a mechanism on the support page where you can submit your requests or feedback directly to our support database. I encourage you to use this method, particularly if you chose to use our email address initially and didn’t receive a response within 24 hours.

We are currently working very hard on Version 3.0 and are excited because this version will meet most of the wish list items sent in by our customers.  We will have a few screenshots of the new look posted on our website http://www.ideamason.com within the next week or so. 

So please believe us when we say that we actually do care about our customers.  We have made customer service a focus since the beginning and we continue to.  In fact we don’t care if you are a customer or not, if you have a problem or a suggestion - we are always happy to start a conversation. 

Victoria - IdeaMason.com