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OutlineEdit 3 released

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Posted by Amontillado
May 21, 2023 at 12:06 PM


The high contrast notes feature is very welcome.

I got OutlineEdit because Devonthink is rude to Bike outlines. If you let Devonthink edit a Bike file, it changes the extension to .html which causes it to open by default in Safari.

One thing that I didn’t like about OutlineEdit was misunderstanding on my part. The tags are shown in an abbreviated form on the bottom status line. I didn’t notice until this morning that if you hover over a tag it shows the full name of the tag and how many outline items carry the tag. I didn’t realize the full tag name was revealed on hover.

If you’re looking for more improvements to make, it would be nice to be able to edit the displayed text of a hyperlink. Devonthink links do not contain the title of a document, for example, so those links look messy.

The best workaround for Bike in Devonthink, if any are interested, is a smart rule that marks Bike files as locked if DT opens them. This doesn’t lock them in the Finder, just in DT. Bike outlines are viewable in DT and open normally in Bike on double-click. The lock prevents DT from making any change, including changing the file extension.

Vexing, though. Devonthink is in all other respects, at least as far as I can find, a safe repo for files.