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Taskline plus Close Contact

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Posted by Tumbleweed
Mar 17, 2023 at 02:51 AM


Hi Franz,

Any 365 account (and maybe even Outlook.com email) can be added on Android and gives two-way email and calendar sync. I’m not sure if the same is true for iPhone but I would assume so.

I looked further at Chaos, and it offers sync (through Activesync ironically) for $99/year. Chaos Intellect looks interesting so I installed it again - however, I didn’t like some aspect such as projects that are not very useful.

I’m also going to continue using Watership Planner since I fortunately have an activated version that runs from the cloud. I have no idea what happened to the author, but the license server is likely down. It still works well for me, but when it ceases to function, I will switch to Taskline.

So for me, its:
Outlook + NEOPro (makes Outlook email work sooo much better)
CloseContact as an addin for Outlook which facilitates full history of Contacts’ email/calls/meetings in Journal
Watership planner for tasks/projects, still syncs to Outlook (Taskliner in the future)
UltraRecall for all other items (Notes, entries, scans, resources, webpages, etc) - Also can sync Contacts/Journal, etc. to/from Outlook if needed.

Everything is quite Outlook-centric at the moment. I will probably migrate to Obsidian when I can spare time to learn it properly.

Franz Grieser wrote:
Hi Tumbleweed.
> >How does syncing calendar appointments between Outlook/Taskline and an
>iPhone? I use the iCloud add-in in Outlook, and from time to time it
>duplicates appointments in Outlook and does not sync some appointments
>to the iPhone.
> >Thanks