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By WHAT do you (in parallels) structure? (woof-woof!)

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Posted by 22111
Oct 22, 2022 at 06:59 PM


Another round-up, after several months - and again, I use a clearly “defined” thread of these, so that nobody could legitly complain on being bothered by my points of view…

Somebody had linked to:

which declares that on Oct 14, 2015, and thus together with W10, OneNote will be discarded: good riddance, I, always having preached that yes, you should not integrate too many “levels” into your outline, always thought that ON’s way of handling your “item’s hierarchy” was sub-standard, by all applicable standards… (And as always with google’s “instructional” vids, I don’t “get” why they just say, what they have to say, in a single phrase then? It might be their expected ad revenues, then, entitling them to steal our lifetime? Whatever…)

A dozen or so of years ago, I had put my purse on my car roof, and then, of course, I lost it, and then, strolling the roads I had driven didn’t give any result - in fact, it was a very beautiful and effective purse, just for coins, so the loss was not into $$$ but from losing something dear… Just some weeks ago, I finally did-it-again - had never done such a foolish thing in-between indeed -: I put my about-120-bucks smartphone onto my car roof, fetching some other things within the house in-between, and had thought, “this time, I mustn’t do it as I did then”... and, of course, I lost my phone this time… hahaha! Well: it seems to be unavoidable!

Well, it was a dual-SIM, with two cards, one for each of “my” countries, but they were secured by the usual 4-digit code, whilst my “apps” weren’t, so I wonder what the happy finder will “do” - i.e. muse? - about my 3 aGrep (!) files: b for books, c for CDs, and d for DVDs: “What?!”, they might think: some high, 5-digit, number of entries, all-together: are they nuts?!” - whatever: I thus am in need of a replacement for my on-the-road DBs, in order of not buying, again, triples or even quadruples of items which I already own.

Here, first, an aside: I had told you that I had been able to discard “the SIM cards”, or however I might have worded it: in fact, it had been a cheap (i.e. Android) 2-cards device, and on that one, I had been able to de-activate both SIM cards altogether; in your situation, with some just-1-card-device, and also according to your Android version, it might be impossible to de-activate the one-and-only SIM card - what do I know indeed? (I also use some ancient, traditional “mobiles” for my “phoning”, in - obviously rare - “case of necessity” - my friends know about my landline number, and when I’m on the autostrada, I prefer not being bothered anyway…

Thus, I’m in need of a replacement…

An’yes, I even looked into iThings again, on the occasion… and, well, I’m horrified!

First of all, some - many! -“mobiles” nowadays don’t come with real, physical that is, “double SIM”: They just offer one of the two as some “e-SIM” one, meaning you will either need some expensive “contract” for at least one of the two, or then, you’re bound to just one SIM altogether - btw, I really like the somewhat brutish design of google mobiles, but for the preceding consideration, they are off - which I consider a real shame: I would have been happy to buy some google phone (i.e. within the 600 $ range) indeed…

(Here, I must admit that it’s quite awful to hold a “smartphone” in “landscape mode” indeed, but that my ancient “mobile” just came with some 5” or 5.2” screen - I don’t really know” -, and that’s not sufficient for typing your search strings one-handedly; using a smartphone with both of your hands - while you have got two, that is, thanks Heaven! - being somewhat really weird, that is…

Thus, yes, I thought about Apple - OMG indeed! -, since their “Mini 2021” seems something “cute”, an’yes, I have to admit it, or rather, I admit it freely: Yes, the (relative) beauty of some “item” - being your “mobile”, or then, your mate, “plays”, so-called “inner/secret values/assets” rather playing within the “extras” crowd, right?

An’yes, the Mini 2021 seems to be some cute piece of engineering, hold in your - well: in my - hand very well, just like a “smartphone”, and with just the right letter(s’) size…

But then, there’s simply NO iCrap alternative for Android’s aGrep (!), and there’s - much! - worse then, and here, I can’t say I’ve checked: I just rely on third parties’ observations:

In fact, it seems that Apple does it, like it always did: They not only give a crap on their “users’” - i.e. fanboys-girls-whatever-sex’s - interests, but they actively try to BUGGER their customers, and that’s notwithstanding their highly-exaggerated prices - btw: Currently, I muse why - WHY INDEED?!!! - they haven’t installed some SUBSCRIPTION scheme yet, for the use of their hardware? - After all, in the Fourth Reich - oh, your pardon: in Germany that is! but see even the NYT on that latter, not-so-definite-lately-after-all matter! -, or, more precisely, within the Heise fora, I found some additional info on that subject - i.e. on Apple not only despising their customers, paying inflated prices anyway, independently of any local price inflation, but actively BUGGERING - an’yes, I’m goin’n'getting here - them:

First-an’all, I fully undersign this, “Lustigerweise schafft Apple es bislang jedesmal, wenn ich eine Anschaffung plane (u. Appleprodukte mal ins Kalkül ziehen würde) eine Situation zu schaffen, die mich davon abhält u. ich lieber in andere Produkte investiere.”, i.e. “Every time, with really every launch, Apple succeeds in getting up some awful details that make me putting off, again and again” ( https://www.heise.de/meinung/Kommentar-zu-neuen-iPads-Apple-ich-verstehe-Dich-nicht-7314559.html ), but then (the same link),

“Das neue iPad Mini kam NACH den iPad Pro mit M1 und hat den den letztjährigen iPhone Top Chip A15 Bionic.” - “Ich hatte mich darauf gefreut lange Jahre ipadOS Updates zu bekommen, und zumindest die ersten 1 bis 2 Jahre alle neuen Features.
Doch Pustekuchen! Alle nennenswerten Neuerungen von ipadOS sind nur und exklusiv für die iPad mit M1 SoC!” - “Die ganzen genialen Multitasking und TV/Monitor Funktionen (Desktop Mode) fehlen!” - which means, altogether, that albeit the “Mini 6” - which I had seriously considered for my purposes, before, with regret, having to discard, again, for any aGrep alternative not being available for it -, does NOT get the goodies - multi-applications and the like of iOS-for-iPad or whatever they call it, since it hasn’t got the “right"processor yet… whilst having been published just in 2021, and after a many-years-long wait for a “recent”, an “acceptable”, some “current”  version for your lounge jacket indeed… - some finally acceptable “one-hand iPad” in a word…

Let’s word it accordingly to their current pricing: Their just-one-year-old “Mini” is a scam, and then, Apple’s crooks - they count on (most of… as said, I’m a pensioner now) their purchasers’ factual inability to get-to-the-core-info, and thus to buy-by-looks, an’yes, the Mini 6 is a thing-of-beauty, some thing I would have LOVED to lick-‘n-cherish - but you see, almost any buggering implies faeces, and most of so-called “reviews” you’ll discover on (or do “natives” say, “in”?) the web, are, as we all (yet ?!) know, just amazon whores’ lies-to-click-the-them-(very-sparcely-)enriching-link. But then, Judas Iskariot was among them rather cheap fellows, and all of those amazon whores are just fellows-following-in-some-unspeakable-ones’ footsteps, an’yes, whenever you enter, in shameful google, something like “xx (i.e. some-software-or-whatever-item) review”, you’ll get, 9 times out of 10, just some whores’ “appreciations” of what they try to sell you, for a mere pittance for them, on amazon…

Are you nuts, really nuts, to follow such simili-landmarks?...

I’ll now either buy some cheap-n-ugly 8”.xx “tablet”, or then, some “Galaxy A33 double SIM”, I don’t know yet, Samsung’s defunct 8” tablets being, well… defunct, i.e. discarded…


Some months ago, I’ve been to some retail trade, in Cologne (4rth Reich, that is), and, yeah, their Microsoft(‘s) “Surface Go 3” was hot, just by laying there, on their exposition tables, and not doing anything, whilst both comparable iCrap ‘n’ Android, always “portable”, devices, and in exactly the same posture, were just hand-warm…

An’don’t dream of MS’s “Surface Pro X” range: Whilst e.g. (another billionaire-by-inheritance’s) “focus.de” try to sell to “you” - in fact: to what they consider “idiots-just-worth-to-further-enrich-‘us” - some of’em for 800 euros - which they design as “current” - proof on file, of course, as for any of my allegations! -, it’s not only the not-so-recent “1”-processor instead of the recent-indeed version 2, but most (?) of your Windows “applications” will allegedly NOT work on that thing…

Thus, just forget it, since, obviously, you don’t treat with honest people on the “other”, on the - do I dare say: “enemy”? - side: “Everything”, or then, according to your needs, Navicat (I endorse’em, not because I’m paid in any way, but just because they’re best indeed… : my CD and DVD collections are in my NTFS, multiple, HDDs, whilst my book collection is in some Navicat-SQLite db…), an’then, aGrep for your - just for quest needs - Android device, and you’re done: no need for Apple’s buggering you… and that being said: if ever you feel the urge to be buggered: very well, nope for objection… but just then do it the physical, the real way, don’t enrich crook Cook, and again, that’s just my opinion.

An’then, yes, about “hierarchies”: hold’em flat, since you’ll always bear in mind that even trees are just nothing other than lists, just somewhat, quite somewhat, easier to browse, but then:

Bear in mind that in any list, ORDER is predominant: be it it “macro” order or then, “micro” order: For obvious reasons, I can’t give real-live examples here, but when I tell you that whenever you, by any chance, you’ll find “Some Kind of Wonderful” (Howard Deutsch 1987: p: the genial Joh Hughes indeed…) within your writings, try to move it to the very end… and call that “macro management”... whilst, within ever of yours “item” - screenwriters would call that “scenes” indeed -, if you do similar, for your findings: re-arrange your “item”, i.e. your “scene”, whatever, by “sending” your “treats” to the end of that “item”: enchant your audience, instead of just serving’em what your superiors ask you to serve. - Right again?

An’yes, willing to follow my tip of advice advice, I should have stopped here, but then, I’m not willing to write here but just here and again anymore, invectives abounding…:

Let’s speak about FILTERING…

In fact, and as I had already said, that (Android’s) “aGrap” - for which then there does not seem to exist any, i.e. not even the slightest, counterpart within Apples iCrap system -, just does allow you to search for some single (sub-)string (wherever in your active file(s)... and yes, you even can search for “compound strings”, i.e. for “phrases”, by “string space string”, but that’s not something “Boolean”, not something “Near”, it’s just “phrase”... and then, yes, indeed, there’s even some OR search, by “space”...

Whilst in Windows, there’ll be “Text Filter”, which is free but, again, does just search, without allowing you any editing… - but here, a space is “AND”, which is quite “wonderful”, considering the “competition”...

As for even editing, well, that’s a real problem nowadays…

There’s EmEditor, but, whilst I got the “lifetime” at the very last indeed (!) day of that being possible, is 260$ now for that if I remember well, but then, there are inferior “text editors”, priced at 300 bucks, so…

And even EmEditor does NOT come with Boolean search, i.e. something like
searchterm1 searchterm2
i.e. with a space in-between, is just a “phrase” again, and there’s no “AND”, “OR”, let alone “NOT” or even “NEAR” (if I’m not mistaken that is)...

But then, EmEditor allows not only for filtering for those lines (or then, for those which do not contain what you “search” for, i.e. what you intend to discard, and after all, that would be a very rare use case indeed…), but also allows for displaying “n” lines above, and/or below the “hit” line of your liking, and that’s, for coders e.g., a real treat indeed…

There’s also “EditPad Pro 8”, by this world’s allegedly regex master, but which for filtering lines, disappoints: in fact, there is no dedicated “filter” command, but just, AFTER regular search, it seems, there is some “filter” command, and then only , all those “filter hit” lines will be displayed in some other, distinct pane, and all of them seem to be underlined, and with yellow background, and which makes them all more or less “unreadable”, but perhaps, that has been, albeit my searching for solutions, for you - remember: I own, much superior in this regard, and others, EmEditor for a lifetime and for a pittance! - for much more than just half an hours, my fault again?

Fact is, there seems to be only one, and free, Windows “app”, that, for searching AND for editing, for line filtering, offers Boolean “search”, i.e. incl. real (i.e. not only “phrase”) AND, OR, NOT - for “NEAR” I’m not sure, I would have to check again… -, and which is free for “personal”, i.e. for non-“professional” (i.e. “corporate” or then, “you’ll get paid already”?) use, but which, unfortunately, seems to have been coded by total geeks: in fact, it’s the weirdest “app” I’ve encountered in my whole life, and I’m almost 80 now, so…

(You’ll find that crazy but functional “app” by searching within donationcoder indeed, and all of you say, “thank you!”, to my persecutors here indeed…)

As for aGrep, you’ll have to set it to “regex”, in order for it getting you hits like from “somestring some_other_string_following_immediately” (i.e. just “phrase search”), without that setting, and as said, in aGreap, for Android, two strings in a row (and separated by a space) are considered “OR”, which isn’t that bad indeed, but, as said, there is no “AND” search which would be all so welcome… but then, there’s seemingly NOTHING of the sort in Apple’s “mobile” world, and then, just string, even string-or-string search, is oh so much better than nothing, with overpriced iCrap, right?

At this time, telling you you should pay 260 bucks for EmEditor outright, would be outrageous indeed, but whenever EmEditor’s genial inventor gets AND and OR alone (not speaking of NOT or NEAR near), it’ll be worth your try, and your buy, considering that even “traditional Eastern editors” (look that up on google if you like) don’t “make” it:

For example, KEdit - down to some 59 bucks now if I remember well - presents the traditional “traditional Eastern editors” way of filtering lines (and is not open to modern, all-inclusive alphabets, hence the current pricing), i.e. you can filter, by entering some string, upon lines containing that string, and then, you can further narrow down your selection by entering further strings, for AND, or enlarge it, for OR, and NOT is available, too, but you never can display - except if I’m totally erroneous here? - the surrounding lines = paragraphs, as EmEditor allows indeed, and for the ultimate benefit of the so-called “user”... and which will be found again in dedicated search tools like FileSeek, FileLocator (in their “prof.” version that is), and others of their kind; in other words: in text editors, that “vicinity display” is some extremely rare, or currently even exclusive, unique feature of EmEditor (?), and yes, that feature can be found, too, within that otherwise quite inferior “Ulysses App”, available upon “subscription”...

Btw, in those “traditional Eastern text editors”, there always has been an inherent flaw, and I simple don’t “get it” what at least commercial offerings of that editor kind, like “KEdit”, never worked on that: In fact, by every zooming in into your search results (i.e. for “search within”), or by every enlarging your search again (i.e. you obviously will have unwantedly discarded results which you now want to include again though”), by “OR” (for some synonyms e.g., but not necessarily for synonyms only…), you will have, there, to write down your search “history”, i.e. your “AND” or “OR” or “NOT” steps, by handwriting, on some sheet of paper, or within some other application, i.e. there is no “search (commands) history” within those “traditional Eastern text editors”, and neither in their paid version, “KEdit”, if I’m not extremely mistaken here that is…

Thus, no wonder that they, notwithstanding their brilliant, original idea - line (i.e. paragraph) filtering - never got really some market share worth mentioning, there absence of “showing you what you are doing”, as well as “showing you the vicinity of your hits” invalidating almost all of their inherent, albeit ever dormant usefulness.

Btw, Edit Pad Pro 8’s developer (it had been 50 bucks plus VAT, it’s now 60 idem) grandiously says that the missing “AND” function in his tool can be “easily” (I cite here! and again, file-on-proof…) be pastiched by regex, whilst, as we all (?) know, regex can indeed search for a AND then b, or then for b, AND then a, but that’s quite some extended string, combined, and nowhere near some simple Boolean “AND” indeed… (I have aquired some regex “mastery” over the years now, so I know how to do a regex “AND”, but to call that *easy”: well…)

An’yes, an’speaking of ace coders-otherwise-lunatics: That free (for “personal” i.e. non-commercial use) but totally crazy “line filtering” lister-and-EDITOR (sic! and with Boolean indeed!) is called “Depeche View Lite”...

For “Sublime Editor” (which is about 100 bucks plus VAT), there might exist some add-on or add-in, as well as there might be such a thing for “Notepad++” (which is free); I haven’t trialed those though…

Fact is: If you are after your hits’ “vicinity”, EmEditor (or then, first year’s subscription being 40 bucks, further years 20 bucks each, currently, which, considering its - comparatively spoken that is: - incredible strengths, seems very reasonable for the time being that is…) very probably will be your application of choice, and if you “need” Boolean - which comes incredibly handy indeed, I assure you! -, “Depeche View Lite” is quite incredible, by all means that is…

As far as I’m concerned, I use my venerable EmEditor for editing, and Text Filter (which, as said, comes with Boolean “AND”, and which is really, really helpful indeed) for “looking up things” in my text files, whilst “Everything” is my “app” for both looking up files, and for renaming, retagging them, in my NTFS (i.e. “NT” file system”).

On Android, on the road, I at least have got aGrep, with “space is OR but no AND available”, vs., “with regex checked, space is phrase”...

whilst in Cupertino’s - beautiful but utterly deceptive - world, I’d have nothing.

It’s one thing, saying, “can you afford…”; it’s quite another to constantly try to fool people… (and not even speaking of their multiple “pen” issues with their grossly overpriced “iPad 10” offering here…)

“Enough is enough”, as they say… and that doesn’t just apply to beautiful girls who, when it comes to common offspring, turn out what in other times they called witches.

I’ll now have to live with some ugly, cheap - since there isn’t any beautiful, expensive one left - Android sub-10”-“tablet”... but with some oh-so-beautiful… admirable… (as the “ideal object” that is) - recent, overpriced, worthless iPad Mini 6, not even judged worthwhile, by its creators, to get their current iPad software(‘s functionality), I wouldn’t even have access to my data.

Don’t be foolish, fellow men - and hadn’t I been right, again, about that frail’s just coming here in order to get info, not for any sense of “contributing”? -: Some chicks - iCrap among’em - aren’t just good for admiring’em, neither for becoming the mum of your kids, nor of your data: they’re just shallow.

Not to be confounded with its homonym “cello” which is one of the most motherly, gentlest, most constructive, in a word: wonderful musical instruments there is: Daniil Shafran, anyone?

The opposite of a Cupertino or any other scam that is.


From the “outside”, i.e. judging from their YT clips, their respective “help file”, their screenshots and the like, I wonder why hard core academics would bother about Devonthink, instead of going straight to Nota Bene? Granted, their “all your material in one folder” approach(‘s realization) just explains itself by their origins, pre-web-etc., but then: both “apps” are ugly as hell, but the latter, in spite of its almost incomprehensible distinction between (first) “Framework” and then, second, “Outline”), seems to be the one with the “more-thoughts-put-into-it”, no? Well, both are very “specific”, “proprietary”, an’thus not so well suited to some open mind, but then, for traditional academic work along the lines of the canon? ;-)

And, isn’t it quite terrible, to get a range of 20 pêle-mêle apps , thrown in by some alleged phd, not mentioning either?: https://research.com/software/best-academic-writing-software - that’s what I call an obscenity indeed: people just cramming the web with pseudo-info, not only stealing your life time, but also and foremost misleading us people.

90 p.c. or more of that “freely available info” - i.e. so-called “info” nowadays’s utter crap, but then, our so-called “elections” ain’t, to again 90 p.c. or more, but aggregated by the votes of people who don’t get any other “info” than that.

Et c’est là où le bât blesse, as the French say…