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Apps for Scratchpads

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Posted by Dellu
Jun 24, 2022 at 03:59 PM


I used to write scratches (things I am doing “right now”/logs) using my writing apps such as KeepIt/Curiota/DT etc.

The problem with that method is the scratchpad note gets lost in the jungle: and often get lazy to find the note, and to add items to it. For that, I am thinking use very simple app for this purpose: to write scratches.

What I want is an app that satisfies the following 5 requirements:

a) note menu item: I should be able write from the menu item; and the menu item should be independent of the big note app
b) transparent storage: to a mac folder
c) expandable window: no rigid windows
d) Should be sticky (floating) over other apps
e) text formatting: should support either markdown or rtf formatting

Thus far, I have tried a number of simple apps. Here is my comparison of those apps.

1. FiveNotes:

√- note menu item
x-  transparent storage:
x- expandable window
x Can be sticky (floating)
√ text formatting

2. Antnotes:

√- note menu item
x-  transparent storage:
√- expandable window
√ Can be sticky (floating)
√ text formatting

This is better than Fivenotes because notes can be exported; and has a global shortcut to show the notes. I can use the export command to make the Scratch visible to Spotlight; by overwriting the old version. This is not as good as directly editing a text file. But, is better than having no way of making the file available to spotlight.

3. Unclutter:

√- note from menu item
x-  transparent storage:
√- expandable window
√ Can be sticky (floating)
x text formatting—-it supports only plain text. This is the major issue I have about this app.

4. Quick notes:

- I couldn’t find this for macos 10.13.

5. FromScratch:

x- note from menu item
x-  transparent storage (txt, md or rtf)
√- expandable window
x Can be sticky (floating)
x formatting

6. Clipto:
This more or less like Obsidian: a complex system with internal storage.

7. Handynote:
- This is similar to Antnotes.

8. Tyke:
—no formatting
√- note from menu item
x-  transparent storage (txt, md or rtf)
√- expandable window
x Can be sticky (floating)
x formatting

9. Mininote Pro

√- note from menu item
x-  transparent storage (txt, md or rtf)
√- expandable window
√  Can be sticky (floating)
√  text formatting (rtf of markdown)
This is similar to Antnote: there is no much difference between these two.
From function perspective: Antnotes = Mininote Pro

10. Sticky:

x- note from menu item
x-  transparent storage (txt, md or rtf)
√- expandable window
x Can be sticky (floating)
√  formatting
—-there is no advantage over the Antnote except the sync with Evernote feature.

11. Notelife (formerly SOHO notes):
- it also has a menu item (Flash). But, it is not possible to create or edit notes from the menu item. It can only search items.
- the Flash also requires the main app to run; much similar to Scrivener’s scratchpad.

12. Evernote: 
√- note from menu item
x-  transparent storage (txt, md or rtf)
x- expandable window
x Can be sticky (floating)
x formatting

13. Devonthink: 
√- note from menu item
√-  transparent storage (txt, md or rtf)
x- expandable window
x Can be sticky (floating)
√  formatting

Thus far, Antnote and Mininote Pro come closest to my needs. Still, they miss the transparency requirement.

Have I missed another app that could satisfy these requirements?