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Posted by Amontillado
Jun 18, 2022 at 03:17 PM


Styles are de rigueur for presentation. Composing within styles is, to me, a small price to pay for the flexibility. A lot of what Scrivener does with its compile feature can be done with styles.

Aeon Timeline has come a long way since version one. So far, my use of version three has been for tracking some real-life events. I haven’t yet had the need for mind maps or narrative outlines within Aeon.

I haven’t played much with export, since I no longer use Scrivener or Ulysses. Both are great tools. My not using them is probably a personality disorder.

Import into Aeon is great. It’s simple to import into Aeon from spreadsheets, OmniOutliner, and Devonthink, and with a little help from Python, from Curio. There are a few mouse-clicks required in Aeon to accept the import, but it’s not bad.

For Devonthink, I added fields for start, end, participant, observer, location, and arc. In Curio, I adopted a convention of tags with two at signs like “@@start=7/20/1965 8:43” in the notes field of items destined for the timeline.