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Posted by Martin Pilkington
Nov 29, 2020 at 11:53 AM


Hi folks, I’m Martin, the developer of Coppice. If you have any questions please let me know and I’ll try my best to answer them.

To answer a few points so far.

Amontillado: You’re pretty much spot-on with the paradigm and some of the potential use cases, at least of what I envisioned Coppice being used for. To give some examples of my own use cases, I have Coppice documents to keep notes as I’m learning various new technologies for software development. I also run table-top RPG and use Coppice documents for each campaign I run. I use pages for things like notes on character, locations, items, and maps, and then combine them using canvases (the RPG I’m currently playing is more episodic in nature so I have a Canvas per episode).

As for the hang when renaming a page, that does seem to be a bug in Coppice. I thought I’d manage to catch all those but it seems this one slipped through. I’m going to try and get it fixed this week.

Drewster: The project based nature is a conscious choice I made early on. I had tried using some of the more “single repository of knowledge” apps for my own purposes, but found they never really let me focus on single projects. It is possible to use Coppice in this way, but it wasn’t designed for that purpose as I feel there are plenty of existing apps which do a good job at this.

I do agree that I’ll need to do more with the website and marketing materials over time. Coppice can be kind of a hard app to promote as it doesn’t fit neatly into an existing box, so I opted to focus on explaining the core concepts for now. There is a sample document in the app (accessible from Help > View Sample Document… in the menu bar) that shows a bit more about what Coppice can do, so hopefully that helps somewhat.