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About (especially "Outliner") subscriptions and the like (NOT OT here, but not at all indeed...)

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Posted by 22111
Nov 26, 2020 at 10:35 PM


Spin-off of https://www.outlinersoftware.com/topics/viewt/9197/20

Not OT here since about 70 (80?) p.c. of the threads in this forum now apply to subscription software…

The thread starter over there told us he spends several hundred bucks a month for software subscriptions for his business; I fully understand that you might decide this way, getting a tenfold “return” from the latter… and bearing in mind that most of that “return” is return of your work, of your ideas, of whatever your “intellect” put-in, rather than of the software used.

Currently though, I’ searching for a decent pdf search tool, and one that does “trans-file” and “hit table”, i.e. which searches groups of files, and doesn’t force me to ridiculously tap on F3 again and again and again.

Thus, from google, I got “Ultra Search” (or “UltraSearch”, and I got to the “IDM Ultra Edit” site, and there, I was informed that “Ultra Edit” was now about 80* bucks (plus VAT) EVERY YEAR ( https://www.ultraedit.com/register-buy/subscriptions.html ).

*=“about” because it’s 79.99 or something: whenever they “only” charge you 79.99 or something, and you say, 80, they can sue you…

I don’t pretend they’re fools, I just assure their customers are out of their mind and should be put under psychiatric and financial supervision, immediately, for their own goods and of their inheritors…

Many years ago, and again and again in-between, I told fellow “users” to NOT subscribe to any software… but then, it’s systematically me who’s said to be a lunatic (bot, whatever), etc., by insight grudgers… and now we’ve got a situation where even “regular” software is paid by subscription, i.e. tenfold (or more) its “natural” price.

30, 40 years ago, a “text processor” was about 800, 900 Deutschmarks, which would be around 800, 900 U.S. dollars (“bucks”) today… then prices went downwards indeed, but…

On my Dell 7.7 (2.5 years old, 1,100) euros (incl. a 4-years “guarantee”), “updated” in-between for some other 300, 400 euros (except peripherals), there’s installed software for (really-paid) some 3,500, almost 4,000 euros, and I very much hope that, if it ever fails, the developers will allow me transfer of most of it to a new pc…

Also, I regularly update some of my “core” “applics”, which costs me about 500, 600 euros p.a.

But, if I RENTED the software in question - in fact, there is NO subscription whatever among all these, not a single one… -, I’d probably pay 400, 500, 600 euro a MONTH - I’ve got some 140 pr 150 “applics” installed, of which I regularly use several dozen - , which would be unbearable for me since I don’t get any money out of my “pc hobby”, and then, they’re LOTS of guys, girls and whole families who SUBSIST (exists?) with the half of that, a quarter of that, or even with / by (you know I’m not a “natural speaker”) the monthly equivalent of 20, 30 bucks / euros.

I could bring many other examples of “regular applics” “having gone subscription”, and as (I’ve) said elsewhere in this forum, I had “closely monitored” “TimelineMaker Pro” on “bits”, in order to probably get their VERY LAST NON-SUBSCRIPTION version with about 40 p.c. off - the fact is, ALL the other dedicated timeline tools are “subscription” now - ... before becoming aware that “TimelineMaker Pro” just makes you pay for “ease of access”, whilst being FAR (!!!) inferior to what MS Excel’s “chart” timeline functionality offers, at the end of the day (i.e. if you’re willing to “dive” into it, for some hours of your valuable time): if today or tomorrow, it re-appeared on “bits”, I’d had a “difficult time” to refrain from the self-imposing comments I’d do there, INSTEAD of buying that third-rate product…)...

Fact is, these months in end-of-2020-beginning-of-2021 are the very LAST month of BUYING some PAID software altogether; complete FOOLS, IDIOTS… well: we’re speaking, at the end of the day, of our FIFTH COLUMN here, have brought us here… - and again, the thread-starter of the above-mentioned in-(i.e. this-forum’s-) thread might be forgiven for his very special needs -, DID US IN.

And all this isn’t some “first-world problem”: All to the contrary, it’s a “first-world condescension”: By accepting OBSCENE pricing for software - and yes, I could pay those 500 euro a month, but I’ll never ever do!!! -, we EXCLUDE 99 p.c. of “colored people” of further access to what they ever will need, in order to “come by”, to “close the gap” - are you NUTS or then, simply “fascists”, you cynics out there?

Very, very sorry, to be that blunt here, again, but I seriously think you now ALL got my point: the marginal (incremental?) costs of software being to be neglected, it’s the QUALITY of software that should multiply its user base, and it’s the quality of its amendments (i.e. smart ideas, AND their technical implementation) that should - amply! - assure its further development… instead of dumb “rentals”...

And, btw, and e.g., German “newspapers” have been renting out their “news”, in fact their government propaganda, for the last at least ten years or so (and probably even 15, almost 20 years…), and so they get, in 2020 - in 2021 the same, it seems -, a whopping 440 millions (of euros, i.e. more than 500 million “bucks”...) of state “subsidies”...

Don’t take me wrong here: I could pay 500, 600 bucks or euros a month at ease, but I’m naturally appalled by obscenity (and there again: whenever sex is - also - about real love - the term of “obscenity” doesn’t apply any more) - and nowadays, financial obscenity’s the real one… the “mileage” of any real cynic WILL (and not just: “might”) differ, of course.

As I said, above, “Not OT here since about 70 (80?) p.c. of the threads in this forum now apply to subscription software…” - and with all due respect, dear fellow software users: Are you nuts? And I mean this, totally, in an entirely constructive way: Re-orientate yourself, in your “buying”, your, in fact and lately, RENTING decisions… and while there’s time to do so, and BEFORE any “unavoidable” “applic” will “go renting” - “TimeLine Prof” and “UltraEdit"certainly NOT being in that lot, but more and more more or less “unavoidable” “applics” probably becoming “rental-only” within a VERY short time - most of you pretend to be so much “adult”, and then, they ultimately appear to be child-like, taking their respective illusions, their fata-morganas for real: They appear “alert”, but then, and the end of the day, they’re just an incoherent mixture of being indifferent of the sort of others (i.e. third-world people*), and quite some indeed terrible naiveté, and, with all due respect (to your respective, monthly income), the notion of “smart people” (i.e. people who “owe” their current pay and especially if they’re state-employed) delivers some other, some very different connotations to me…

*=Some time ago, I paid 20 dollar, first-world, for some (Russian) software which had been offered for 5 dollars for third-world people… and then only, I discovered that beyond XP, no use for it… well: entirely my fault, shall not complain.

And yes, there’s the Nigerian “developer” who wants, for whatever he’ll then deliver, 30 bucks the hour, not speaking of those other Nigerian “heirs” who’ve got 20, 40 millions, willing to share, but who need, beforehand, your 2, 3,000 bucks for bribes and bank charges…

More and more, whenever I observe those, really incredible, political “choices” of us “whites”, seemingly - allegedly?! - “educated” people, I come to the conclusion that there isn’t any - but not the slightest! - “education”, let alone “intelligence” gap between “us and them”, but that there isn’t but some “access” (to information, to “how to do things”, to “how to manage our things and to what SHOULD be our common things if ever we had acces”) gape…

By paying dozens, and very soon, hundreds of dollars (with or without VAT on top) for your software (!) tools, you just widen that gap. Be smart, be decent: REFRAIN.

Refrain from being a complete fool (it’s YOUR money, after all)... and from victimizing 98 p.c. of “colored” people (Africa? yes, but there’s India, Pakistan…) at the same time.

And yes and again and again, “developers have to sustain themselves”, and they just have got to deliver, and we’d pleased to pay for upgrades, and, e.g., transclusion, in Mindjet (i.e. Corel MindManager now), after 20, 25 years: asking too much indeed?

Ok, you’re right, and the Rhine e.g. flows from the Netherlands to Switzerland: there’s no argumentation imaginable whatsoever in front of madmen indeed.

And yes, the dishonest allegation that subscriptions assured “continual development” had been a lie many years ago even… and it’s been a systematically-proven lie now for many years indeed, with about 80 (90?) p.c. of the current “rental” examples proving our once-mocked premonition that nothing good would become from that perverted game-changer… And, please, beg your pardon, appealing your IQ of 130 or higher: Would it not have been amply sufficient to just introduce smart, really “promotional” amendments of “your” (i.e. the respective developer’s) software, and you (i.e. the “end user”) you’d be happy, EAGER, to “upgrade”?

Y’know, every once and then, I get the idea to “upgrade” my i7.7 (16GB, plenty of HDD’s for every need I feel, total investment about some 3,000 bucks)... because I’ve foolishly get the idea that with even more modern “hardware” - i.e. in the lack of factory-made software -, I’d get some “benefit” in and for my work… and then, I take some 2, 3, some afternoon’s time, and I script the necessary script, on top of some 3-digit number of script already in my hands, and I’m done again… all the more so since 99 p.c. of the time - and I don’t lie, here neither - my PC works at around 10, 15 p.c. of its possibilities, and my “work memory” at around 50, 60 p.c. of it over-all capacities…

Y’know, software should be like that, their developers being psychologically INVESTED in their respective “child”, but no, most of those developers have got a dozen or more “applics”, and for all of those, they decide upon their respective “good-enough quality”, and THAT’s what they now rely on subscriptions…

And if you say I’m wrong, you’re either a fool, or then, some “interested party”; I’m ok with both, but then, your challenge would be to prove me wrong…

(First - and I told you so, MANY years ago -, they “went cloud”, by that “justifying” (their) subscriptions… and now - and again, MANY years ago, I tell you all the same -, they’re ALL “going subscription”, even for their desktop shice. You got what you systematically nurtured… and now it’s too late… just as with “Western” governments who are - all of them - currently installing authoritarian (primo) rules, (secundo) governments, and indeed, the censorship laws of, let’s say, France, are not THAT far away anymore from, well, let’s cite “Borat”, Kazaksthan…

When I was young, my “douce France” was VERY far away from such a state of affairs, but then, that was half a century ago…

and people who don’t dare look beyond their “immediate things” are responsible for that, well, let’s put it bluntly and totally correctly, demise of the West.

And let’s be even more blunt than that: People you died, let’s say, in 1955, are to be pitied: They got all the shicy, even worse, the outright fascist, totally murderous things in the height of their respective lifetimes, and then, when times obviously, decidedly got better, they had to say good-bye, couldn’t get “to know about” better times, real progress - also in moral terms, oh yeah - of “now” - i.e. from then on - being made: their “justified” - well: after all that crap, that depravation they had been witnesses, at the very least: contemporary witnesses of - “curiosity”: well, don’t we have all a justified, innate NEED of getting, at last, some GOOD NEWS??? -.

And today, we BETRAY that legacy of our “elders”, of our parents, grand-parents, by “accepting almost anything here in the West”, by accepting to being hurt even when “the fan hits the faeces” - and no, decidedly no:

I cite from “Cicero”, a VERY respected, intellection German monthly - activate your google translate, I’m not your valet but see myself as your spiritual “teacher”, well, rather, as your “inspiring folk”-, about what’s going on in China, at this very moment (“Cicero number 9/2020, author Harald Maas): ““nur dass er in Xinjiang noch kompromissloser vorging. Innerhalb von vier Monaten ließ er 4900 Polizeistationen bauen.”; Jeder Aspekt des Lebens, von der privaten Internetnutzung bis zum Spaziergang in der Nachbarschaft, wird in Xinjiang digital überwacht. Autos müssen mit GPS-Sensoren ausgestattet sein, damit die Behörden ihre Bewegung jederzeit kontrollieren können.”; “Wer tanken will, muss sich mit Ausweis und Gesichtsscan registrieren. Bei der Fahrt mit dem Bus, beim Betreten eines Gebäudes oder beim Besuch eines Restaurants werden die Menschen registriert.”; Bei einer verdeckten Recherchereise 2018 berichteten mir muslimische Familien von Angehörigen, die in Umerziehungslager geschickt wurden, weil sie WhatsApp benutzt, zu häufig gebetet oder einfach nur zu oft Benzin getankt hatten. China bestreitet die Anschuldigungen und bezeichnet die Lager als Jobtrainigszentren*. Im vergangenen Jahr bekannt gewordene interne chinesische Regierungsdokumente belegen jedoch die Vorwürfe.”; “dürfe ‘absolut keine Gnade zeigen’, forderte Xi nach Informationen der New York Times. Chen Quanguo befahl, ‘alle zu verhaften, die verhaftet werden müssen’”; “leben dort in gefängnisähnlichen Einrichtungen. Ihre Kinder landen oft in staatlichen Waisenhäusern”; “Delegationen aus anderen Provinzen reisen nach Ürümqui, um das Polizei-Rastersystem zu studieren.”; usw. usw.” (my “usw” meaning “, etc.”).
ACCEPTING things-as-they-come-to you is the man’s original sin, and you, as “them” (i.e. those) people with an IQ of 130-and-above, should NOT joing those masses, and subscribing to second-rate software is “giving in” to the “way of the world”, and that “way” is river-down currently, quality-wise AND assuring-survival-wise.

And yes, I thought that “WordTabs” developer’s taking 20 bucks from me to inter-“finance” his 5 bucks asking from some “Native African et al.” (i.e. not, among others, “African American”, or than, me, here in Western Europe) really cute, and I paid without hesitating a mere second… and yes, I’d preferred he’d updated (paying: ok!!!) his exceptional “WordTabs” for “Win 7 plus”.

And yes, most cynics consider themselves “smart”, whilst there isn’t but a quite lig correlation between cynicism and IQ (unfortunately, there is some correlation indeed, but just, far away of what cynics like to imagine); fact is, even most high-IQ people JUST apply their “thinking” (to not call them, “intellectual”) potentials to “just-what-I-personally-need-and-like-and-want-to-defend”, instead of being “generous”, and have a thought, also, to “peripheral” things, by that possibly “advancing even the world…” they live in, and their children (?) will have to live in, on their turn…

But well and after all: Don’t rent IDM stuff… if that’s really all and everything you “got” from my post here.

(P.S.: Most engineers I know have got a far superior IQ than mine, but then, beyond their respective stuff, be it machines, be it buildings, be it hydro-technics, whatever: beyond their “core matter of applied IQ”, they, very unfortunately, appear quite “dumb”, and then I, whilst trying fervently to expand their “scope-of-real-thinking” (I’m a psycho-somewhat), I rarely succeed in broadening their real-thinking-scope, and you don’t imagine to what degree I’m desperate of this: It seems that they almost all got some ultimate fear that with just applying 95, not anymore clearly and decidedly 100 p.c. of their thinking abilities to their “core”, their “living” matters, they’d be “done in”, and that’s why, it seems, so a high percentage of sadists (speaking of the criminal kind here, the one that goes to court, to jail ultimately) are technicians, engineers, “developers”, coders - which is a criminological fact, don’t try to get me wrong, here either.

Almost 80, be it possibly 90 p.c. of people, and whatever their respective I.Q., simply REFUSE to “look” “over board”, i.e. not just into their “own interests”, but up to the “horizon”, i.e. “general, common interest”, the “res publica” in a way, they just “lower the shutters” whenever it gest “general, res publicae things” - and that’s why even Western Europe will not be that far away from “Borat”‘s Kazakstahn, in some 20 years or so.

Putting it much more bluntly: “Coding” isn’t about engineering, it’s about what would be really helpful to people (i.e. “the end-user”), considering that now he’s got some i7-7 or even much better, but finally PROFITTING, taking REAL advantage from that incredible advance in mere-physical technology, and as “we all”, well, the ones who’re really interested, “mentally involved” in “progress”, know, the “PC” (or “Apple”, of whatever IT) “progress” in real life - not speaking of “Android/iSomething convenience” here, is negligible - all to the contrary to, real, progresses, within the “automation world”: as soon as it gets to “returns” in big numbers, for industrials, the real development is there indeed…

But then, when it applies to “thinking enhancement”, and even “file management”: Come on!... and, after all, don’t “secretaries” (of whatever “sex”) also need employment, a way of living, to sustain themselves, even a quite obviously, today, “dumb”, perfectly dispendable, one?

From another perspective (implied supra) again: Don’t you really think the Western World would be in its current state if our smartest persons hadn’t for their most innate, intimate instruction, directive, “Mind Your Own Business (sic), and not a Single Ioata More!”?

And that’s why, among a thousand other outrageous things, you “accept” to be subscripted, instead of being a “paying user” (do you remember that non-sensical “a paid user” which they had delivered us for many years?), instead of just, and very, VERY simply, easily, applying your CHOICE - instead of having, now, ultimately abandoned it -: JUST SAY NO TO IMPERTINENCE, whatever its origin, whatever its final: just say NO whenever they try to bugger you.

But now it’s too late, premonitors like me are called “machines”, “bots” and the like, we’re “deified”, i.e. getting stripped of our “human beings’” quality: we’re to be negated, terminated.

Y’know, sometimes, and fast approaching my Seventees, I’m quite happy to not be about 20 or so years younger: I’d invariably end up in concentration camp, just I’d had ended up if some 20 years or so younger: I went to take advantage of some decennials of “free speaking in-between”, but that’s coming to an end now, and we ALL know it, it’s just that the majority of us thinks that’s a good thing now: those people tragically miss any sense of history, and of what its misunderstanding, its blunt disrespect even, will do harm, extreme harm especially to their children, to their upbringing “many levels down”, and then, lately, from a Western European POV, not even sending your kids to the U.S., to N.Z., to AUS, let alone CDN (“from father to son, just like it’s in Kazaksthan (or the mayor transitions in Shit-Belgium), hoho!), will help anymore!

This forum, in its “development”, its “making it live”, by the majority of its users, is about the erroneous idea that software was some “technical thing”, and, with all due respect, it’s so, oh so appalling, that even guys of IQ 130 plus could believe such a nonsense.

(Don’t spend a single other dime on (“To-do” or other, minor) subscriptions, and then, promising to “upgrade” in case, and then again, and again, and whenever there’s REAL “development”, bother all those “UR” or other “developers” to do their respective homework: FLOOD their respective fora, up to the point they give in or abandon…)

“Good-enough-quality being 50 (40? 30?) p.c. of what’s “realizable” with just a little bit MORE coding, and that’s “good enough for me, and then “CRIMPING”, for the rest of my life? For the rest of your, multiple, lives? Are you retarded, except for your “core” matter where go ALL of your 130 IQ points or more?

Didn’t you ever hear of the term of “rebellion”, of NOT accepting “current reality as decided upon by some just-technical-coders, or then, “the masses”, to which they, unfortunately, had given the “active” right to vote, and which then, systematically, vote by having ingurgitated the offficial propaganda, in the West AS in Eastern countries?

Just get the google translation of my Cicero citations from China today - and then don’t blame me if in 20 years from now - I’ll be dead then - you live under that exact similar circoncstances.

And then, you will know that I’ll have been right again, when I told you, in late 2020, that by subscribing “subscriptions” even for quite “regular things”, you will have given your placet for what you, and your kids, and your grandchildren, will have to endure in 2040… and there will be NO “America, via North of Spain” (what’s it’s called again? that contrée with Bilbao??) exit, to go to freedom anymore.

Again, and to be as blunt as possible: The SHEEP psychology of my contemporaries, whatever their respective I.Q., oh so much facilitates me saying good-bye in some days, some months, just some years: You’re doomed, and being aware of the fact that ANY other generation before mine did well say, “They youngsters nowadays, they’re really impossible!”, well, I, almost 70, seriously think that for the very first time in history, that old, totally sucked-out saying may become true: Because, and with all due respect, I think I have ample, unchallenged truth that you’re the very, really first generation to systematically, fervently voting against their own (incl. their offspring) interests… and that’s even to be understood “globally”, all “races”, “colors” mixed up.

Whenever “things” were imposed upon you, for the last 20, 30 years, “from above”, you accepted them, without bristling; whenever some voice, like mine, tried to alarm you, you just “counter”-attacked your strong, naive believes; now, politically, it’s “all done”, world-wide, no “exile” possible anywhere, anymore (well: I’m never ever JUST negative, and in the end, and to some degree, writing code IS “being constructive”: learn Spanish, try out Argentina: at the very least and at the end of the day, they’ve got the most beautiful “chicks” - WIVES, in fact: oh, yeah! - world-wide, and why NOT live even under the (then, generalized) whip if you’re happy, AT HOME!!!: your wife, your children…)... and you’ll ever again have to ACCEPT what “they” will “offer” you, i.e. impose on you: And that’s because you, i.e. even the guys of I.Q. 130-plus, will never ever have LISTENED to the warners, like me and to thousands of my kind.

And thus, you will, year after year, get even LESS from your “subscriptions”, since the developers in place will have amply got you’ll accept their shice, and, them, getting, just naturally constituting, a “community” of their own - whilst you, “end users”, have none of such… - and, yes, at some time, google, Apple, amazon et al. will, finally, “give” you that one, that perfect “outliner”, perfect 1-person or even groupe-IM tool, and then what? It’ll be a relief for all of you, whilst goole, Apple, amazon or similar will get ALL of your data then, as well as your local, national government will soon get ALL of your communications, “transport” data, as well as WHOM you meet, at every given second… You don’t really want this, but you accept this, AND YOU’RE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS, since it’s you, the “elites” of your respective, formerly “Western”, countries: whoever, if not you, could have voted for a HALT for all this?

“UR” and some others are, at this point in time, at some 60 p.c. of what would have been possible with them - as said, my IM, in 1996, built on that MS Allen (dead now) shicy “ToolBook” “language”, had, “naturally”, TWO content panes, TWO concurrent trees, had THREE different right-click “context” menus, according to the position of your click within the tree/sub-list in fact, and many things more… and in 2020 or similar, the “UR” developer, when you ask him about it, dares tell you, “UR’s got already a lot of panes”, for defending his abysmally dumb choice to withhold a third, a “project” pane. - And nobody will ever protest, except me, who’s, as “contributors” to this forum allege, a “bot” or similar…

WHENEVER I told some developer, in ANY developer’s forum, that his (not: theirs: in any case, they were male) tool would be GREATLY enhanced by some amendment, and given the details, I IMMEDIATELY aroused “responses” from some persons (you see I remain VERY polite here) who pretended, “xy is perfect for me as it is”, thereby preventing ALL possible amendments.

And that’s - i.e. the “psychology” behind such “passive-aggressions” and all the rest - why you and your children and the children of your children will be doomed, world-wide: Since whenever even the real, the I.Q. elites of their respective countries go with their respective governements, with “what they currently get”, there’s no hope anymore: When mediocracy becomes the norm, i.e. the accepted standard of what “everybody” (i.e. incl. the I.Q. AND the power elites) wants to be implemented for the “community”, i.e. for the “going along together”, the “res publica”, then nothing’s possible anymore…

And I say this because I know, from your (non-)reaction, that even a 746g- i7 notebook (or what was it, exactly, in grams) from Toshiba, for just 1,500 bucks (dollars being euro 1:1 in real live, as we all know) will NOT prevent you, i.e. the very large majority of you, from insisting on having “full functionality” even on iPad, even “cloud-wise”, even whatever your folly-of-the-day might by.

And that’s why I - a “bot”, according to some here -, consider the majority of my readers - you all say, “tltr”, and then you read me regarless, and we all know this… - as, in just some part of their respective personalitry, “childish”: You hope for the best, you even (and much, sometimes) pay for it, but you endlessly “crimp”... because, indeed, not a single “developer” listens to to you, just like your respective goverment listens to you - but you continuing paying your (mostly: quite, very high) taxes, and so on: You ain’t coherent in what you desire.

And paying subscriptions… up to some “middle 3-digit (dollar, euro) amount every month”, as the original poster does, cited above, is… running the business of your opponent, i.e. of those lazy “developers” who have decided, once and for all, oh yeah…

that you’ll NEVER EVER get what you want, what you’d really need (for “IT” at last being “real help” to you… and what you, again and again, will have PAID FOR).

Just as in politics. If ever somebody offered you a good whipping, you’d be outraged. But in your everyday life, you accept being whipped - should I say: buggered? - day after day…

And whenever some rare person comes to remind you that that’s not a natural, “healthy” situation, you try to bury them… just like the ancient Romans killed the messenger… or was it the ancient Greeks… or then, is that tradition as old as humanity is?

c’t (i.e. Europe’s “biggest” IT magazine) 23/2020 pp. 68/69 (my wordings): “Apple: We want 5,000 bucks (i.e. 4,000 euro) for a laptop, 4,000 (i.e. 3,200 euro) isn’t enough”: Not even 6 months after buy, the 3,200 euro laptop of the user didn’t function anymore, so he asked for guarantee. Worked well for SOME days after reparation, was then dead again. User asked for guarantee, again (1 year? cf. infra); Apple’s answer: Pay us 800 euro (i.e. 1,000 bucks) more, for the reparation, since your shicy notebook now has got a droppage, i.e. you let it fall on the floor or something. In fact, after their (!) first (unsuccessful) “reparation”, they (!!!) had incorrectly screwed in some screw, and now they pretend the user had dropped their shicy notebook - nota bene: without ANY other “evidence”.

Then, the “user” got to “c’t”, and then only, after many manigances, Apple said, “our mistake, sorry” - for 1 case in a 1,000 or so which goes to “c’t” or similar, I suppose, many a “users”, paying (i.e. not: “paid”) users are devrauded…

About 30 years ago, I had bought some Apple laser printer, for, then, almost 3,000 Deutschmarks, and, believe me, almost 3,000 Deutschmarks was a LOT of money then - and it was a TOTAL FAIL.

Some years ago, I had made the mistake of buying some accessory from Sony (in low 3-digit range); their “guarantee”: allegedly 2 years. After some 10 months, and this shice thing being in mint (!!!) condition, it didn’t work anymore, so I contacted their “service” by mail, with, kindly, exposing the problem; answer: “In your case, our guarantee doesn’t apply; you should address your vendor then”...

And, happily, amazon took the blame, but what about that Sony shice? Well, as most of you will certainly know, the web is abounds of stories in the kind of “Sony ware is good in general, but whenever there’s a problem, you’ll be lost!”, and, obviously, and knowing of this litany, I had hoped for the best, the fool I was…

At the end of the day, the lesson is perfectly clear: None of us has the right to tell Apple, or then Sony, “criminal organizations”, but then, every one of us, me included, HAS got the right to consider anyone buying at Apple’s, at Sony’s, a FOOL, and yes, I’d been that fool myself, for Apple 30 years ago, for Sony about 3 years ago, but then…

Don’t we’re expected to be smart to get tought by the experiences of fools, i.e. third-parties, or even ourselves, in the past: Ain’t we expected to learn, after all and over time?

And yes, I know perfectly well that both DevonThink and that other thing of that evangelist who’s got his own blog but who’s software ain’t THAT good after all, don’t remember their respective names currently, very sorry, are just available for Mac…

but then, if more of you people did more positively react to the fact that a full-fledgling, ace W10 i7-and-more system’s available for just 1,500 bucks, weighting 746 grams or something around that, with a 13” screen and full keyboard, instead of insisting that your shicy IM / PM / GTD / whatever system should also and concurrently available on some 746 g or something iPad, WITHOUT keyboard, MUCpH MORE developers, the author of this rant included, would be happy to “help you out”...

And that’s why serious, real developers don’t take you seriously (“kindergarden”) and prefer to develop / code for machines et al. (e.g. “autonomous cars” and all that), and why “hobby developers” like the author of this thread abhorr of your childishness and then take other junctions (branches)... whilst deeply regretting even the smartest of people might be sooo dumb…

To finalize this very long post: During the last 5, 8, 10 years, all of you have only be served crap, and lately, you’re, on top of it, are also invited to pay p.a. for that crap; the “developers” who bill you accordingly, cannot do but laugh out loud upon you… and then, you have systematically de-motivated Windows developers (e.g. Treepad, defunct now; UR: just serving you crap, RN: ditto, and all the more so) who COULD have developed something really useful in-between, IF you had been aware that 746 grams or something, incl. i7 or better, and incl. a full-fledged keyboard was something MUCH better, AND LIGHTER, than some iSomething with some crap keyboard which alone costs 350 bucks or something… and which would have needed DOUBLE coding efforts…

And now you’re all in a situation where for mediocre software, you’ll soon have to pay several hundreds (of bucks, of euros) a month, in order to get even minor things done. Is that reasonable? Well, you all know the answer, and that’s why you hate me and my like: We always told you so, and now it’s become an irreversible situation for anybody.

By paying what was not needed then, over many years - whilst at the same time craving for “multi-platform”, i.e. for all-NSA -, you implemented your need to pay for crap now.

But then, UltraSearch seems to be free: https://www.jam-software.com/ultrasearch_free - will have to try it out, then…

And again, people who always describe what is, and accept what is, will ultimately and also have to accept, for themselves and for their breed, whatever there’ll be, however unacceptable for “civilized” people it’ll have become in-between: eschewing your chances of “participation” in the “going-of-things” (i.e. “co-determination”, according to my dictionary) will ultimately and sharply LIMIT your choices… software “subscriptions” being only SOME example “for a starter”.

Very sorry for you, and for your kids. But don’t blame me, I and always really tried, and today, I’m not even anymore “just the messenger”: today, I’m that “cynic” who “told you so”, and, believe me, it’s not a cheerful position. All to the contrary: How happy would I, would have numerous other, “real” developers been, if those “elites” hadn’t fallen into the same trap as had been put up for the masses: “all platforms, and be followed, spied-upon everywhere”: cf., among numerous others, Swift To-Do List or then, TaskMerlin - real development stalled in both cases for years now, since “delivering on every platform” isn’t just do-able for one-person venues, whilst all those big corporations give a, well, you know what, about you to begin with, cf. Evernote, with their about 150 staff about which I asked you some years ago here in this very forum - without getting any idea of yours, of course -, and now look at the output… (cf. https://www.heise.de/news/Kommentar-Evernote-10-hat-einen-enttaeuschenden-Umbau-hingelegt-4959224.html )

But then, whenever IQ-wise “smart” people say, pretend, “it’s good for me as it is”, thepaltry-house will take over, and that final stage, both in politics and in software available to the end-user, has been achieved now. Cheers, and blame yourself for every detail of both developments.