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Posted by Franz Grieser
Apr 17, 2008 at 03:57 PM


Hi Stephen.

>Okay, I too have now joined those who have made the move to Mac. I just ordered a MacBook,
>and I am eagerly awaiting all the fresh CRIMPing I can do on the new machine.


>What is the best word processor available for Mac?
>What is the best outliner?
>What is the best general all-purpose PIM?

I cannot tell you which is THE BEST word processor/outliner/PIM. I can only tell you what I use:

My writing tools:
- Scrivener for writing
- NeoOffice for exchanging files with my customers and publishers (and off course for calculations and presentations)

My outlining tools:
- Xmind for brainstorming and creating the first sketches of an outline
- Scrivener for expanding and modifying the outline while writing

My PIM tools:
- iCal, Mail and Address Book in combination with
- Taskpaper (though I am also just looking at Things)

>(BTW, I remain a staunch Zooter, because I’ll continue to use Zoot
>at work where it is indispensible to me.)
You surely know you can use Parallels or VMware to install Windows and Zoot on your Mac. Dragging notes or text snippets from Zoot to a Mac application (or the other way round) works. I think there was a thread on using Zoot on the Mac on the Zoot mailing list.
