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Obsidian gets folding

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Posted by Paul Korm
May 16, 2020 at 10:39 AM


I agree in part.  I think Obsidian bloomed rapidly to a certain feature set and is now probably reached its plateau.  Scrivener and Ulysses replacement?  No, not at all—- sort of comparing a fork to a power drill.  Obsidian doesn’t even offer meaningful export options and there are none on the roadmap.

OTOH, it looks like the Roam guy has been tweeting about making a Roam version that works with locally-stored files—which was the stated motivation for Obsidian and other apps.  Another market equilibrium emerging.

Luhmann wrote:
>It is getting to the point where it could be a good replacement for
>other general purpose note taking apps, such as FSNotes or Bear. But it
>is unlikely to ever replace an outlining app like Workflowy, Dynalist,
>or Roam if that is what you want. With some additional plugins and some
>improvements to the editor, I could see it also taking on something like
>Ulysses or Scrivener though.